Source Code

Bilbos Ballbaggin

what you say when you see Bilbo tonguing Gandalfs testicles.

"looks like Bilbos Ballbaggin again"

by Fagdonna May 26, 2004

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bilbo Teabaggins

A hobbit who "wants his shire back," though he can never seem to explain exactly who he wants it back from.

Can usually be seen carrying a poster of Gandalf with a Hitler moustache, even though most of the other hobbits seem to think he's doing a pretty decent job as Wizard.

There goes Bilbo Teabaggins protesting again...I don't whether to feel sorry for his mental illness, or just punch him in the face.

by Herbin' Dick December 15, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bilbo Baggins

n. The sexual act of placing one's firmly gripped testicles into the anus of a willing, usually male, other.

Anthony just did a Bilbo Baggins to Justin's freshly prepared hobbit hole.

by JPA4LIFE December 13, 2004

212๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž

bilbo baggins

A fat hobbit of the shire who found the ring of power by the hands of gollum in the goblin caves.

"Ay! Top of te morning to ye, bilbo baggins!"

by PaulJar the Pornostar December 2, 2003

101๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

bilbo saggins

When a midget attempts to say his pant you call him Bilbo saggins

Midget:Check me out I'm sagging my pants

Taller Person:Stupid Bilbo Saggins

by Spydter November 6, 2017

The angry Bilbo

to show somebody the middle-finger
(related to Martin Freeman (the actor of Bilbo Baggins) on the set of "The Hobbit", who obviously likes to flip off the cameras of the Behind-the-Scenes-Team)

He showed me the angry Bilbo
He was doing the angry Bilbo

by HPMax December 4, 2013

Bilbo the clown

AKA, Bill O'Rielly of Fox News. A pro-republican mouthpiece who speaks retoric and lies. A loudmouth dickhead who supports morons and criminals. A liar with no concience or informed insight, who speaks like he knows what he's talking about. A miserable old bastard who desperately needs to get laid....

1. "Hey, you watching Bilbo the clown on Fox tonight???"

2. "Your a regular bilbo the clown for stealing those lollipops from those children".

by Kirrock63 July 4, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž