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black ops

probably the most annoying topic to hear everyone talk about. i remember just 2 months ago people freaked out about Halo Reach, but nobody even will bother talk about that subject anymore. somehow, if you have prestiged, that automatically makes you awesome. People have even given up partying and sports (or at least in my town) to play this game.

Annoying prick: omg i just got black ops and i have prestiged 3 times!!!1! if you dont even have black ops your a n00b.

Me: fuck black ops. Were you not just making out with your hot girlfriend and scoring touchdowns the day before it came out?

by dodongo56 November 17, 2010

116๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

black ops

a First Person Shooter game, where the single player is short and probably the worst of all the CoD games, the multi player is literally the same thing over and over again and the zombie maps are terrible. The community is probably the worst in gaming history, as its filled with trolls, 7-year-olds and ragers, all of whom try to be cool by insulting people they don't even know. CoD fan boys are the worst. Whenever someone even dares insult black ops they go ape shit on how the graphics are amazing and its incredibly popular. Then when you make the point that graphics don't make the game good, and bad games can be really popular, they call you a noob and feel like they have achieved something. I did not enjoy this game, and I don't think I ever will.

person 1: Hey wanna play black ops?

person 2: Fuck no, black ops is probably the worst game I have ever played.

person 1: Well your a noob lololol pwned noob

by DPoilSPILL July 4, 2011

67๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

black op

Secretly going out with an ugly or fat girl and not answering your cellphone or frequenting your usual bars and dining spots, so as not to be seen by your friends.

Hey, where were you for the last two days?
I was on a black op with the girl from Blockbuster.

by Allen Miami June 6, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

black ops

taking a big black cock up the ass.

hey man wanna play black ops?

by bumpkinkid January 20, 2011

42๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž


Most Notably a Halo 1 Clan found on XbConnect. On a later note a Halo 2 clan that fell apart and has since been dead. Their playing style was derived from the term Black Ops which is basically "to operate in the dark" Their clans slogan was "Death from the Shadows" Many of the members believed at the core that through all the fighting found irl that eventually we would all make it to a place where we would be "Immortal" Every member took their names from a letter in the military/phonetic alphabet. Starting with the clans three founding brothers Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. They competed with the best of the best including most notably StK or Shoot To Kill who was most definately the best Halo clan well into Halo 2. Stk Spent most of their MLG career undefeated well into Halo 2. Halo 3 the clan is now nonexistent. During Black-Ops reign every member was ages 13-16 and thus, never was able to make it to a MLG competition. That didnt stop them from dedicating every moment they could to perfecting their playing style and thirst for competition.

-whoop whoop

StK irl MLG Black-Ops

by Some_Guy_diez August 18, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

black ops

something beyond standard, to be use as a last resort and not recognize by society. it could be use as an adjective and a verb.

Adjective use: guy1: dude!! I heard krisha just got a rubber ducky squeaky edition!
guy2: yeah she's shifty, pretty black ops.

Verb use: guy1: Homie !! i can't teach my mom how to drive
the whip.
guy2: Easy boy! enroll yo momma to a driving school. you better do the black ops

by imhighasfuck October 30, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

black ops

when me and my homies take on the man from the underground and nobody needs to be up in our shiznit for it.

Primarily utilized when cappin fools with my gizzat.

What do you know about "black ops".
Those niggas is crazy. Dont fuck wit black ops fool, you be found in a bizzox.

by hannibal December 24, 2004

23๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž