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pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease. honestly dont know why we should know what it means since we're never gonna say it cuz we dont know how to pronounce it.

doctor: you have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
patient: what in the world is that?!?!

by bakugou's hoe December 10, 2020

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A letter



by Drizzled ice July 30, 2018

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2nd letter of the dictionary β€œC”

β€œC” for Caleb

β€œC” for Can

by Ξ‘ January 18, 2022

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It means money and it's derived from the Roman Numeral "C" which is the equivalent of 100.

I might flip a C-note and make a CC.

by theurbanrenaissanceman June 27, 2019

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The 3rd Letter of the alphabet

C for Caleb

C for Cat

C for Cup

What’s the most weirdest letter to you?

C probably

by Ξ‘ January 24, 2022

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Short for C**t, it is a word you call your mate.

Often referred to as a Big C.

Mark: I read loads of bro-shores
Joe: Bro-shores!? It's brochures, you Big C!
Mark: No! It's forrod!
Joe: YOU BIG C!!!

by JokeyJoe October 26, 2010

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Why the fuck would you look up a letter on urban dictionary, you dumb shit. It’s the fucking letter C

β€œHey, what the fuck is the first letter of clock.” β€œIt’s C, dumbass.”

by Big Boi Chungus May 29, 2019

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