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Someone who tries to follow what others do. Despite popular belief a conformist is not one whom is influenced by society but one who does nothing to try and go against it, your actions only count half as much as your intentions

typical sentence by "non-confomists"- "Those conformists went to the mall to find some new trend to wear." (note: being spoken by this 'conformist's brother or sister)

by MurderWind October 20, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who mindlessly or intentionally follows certain standards for social purposes, we're all conformists to an extent.

1. She alienated the ones who truly loved her for her conformist clique.

2. He lacks soul & mind due to his extreme conformist lifestyle.

3. I wouldn't be wearing clothes right now if I wasn't a conformist. My roommate might never speak to me again, either.

by cxnnor May 26, 2009

444๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone that does things based on what others want them to do and how society wants them to be. You are not a conformist if you like a new band or type of clothing, you're a conformist if you like those things cause your friend does.

Loser: You're such a fucking conformist for liking that band! Why can't you like FOB like everyone else?
Me: Right....

by king_wallace February 1, 2006

403๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž


1: One who is vain and needs social structures to determine who they are
2: Anyone on TRL
3: One of any social class who follows others ways, without speaking up for their own feelings

That 100 pound cheerleader with bright blond hair and colored contacts is such a fucking conformist.

by Sarah the non conformist December 14, 2003

109๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


What George Bush wasn't when he invaded Iraq in the last war.

I have to get the U.N.'s approval to invade a country? Fuck that, Qatar, Spain, Poland and Great Britain back us, lets fuck up Saddam!

by Elite November 21, 2003

369๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž


Somone who does somthing becasue it seems like the "cool" thing to do, or becasue everyone else is doing it.,
someone who choses a certain way of life, or fashon.

Non-conformists cannot say they are not a conformist becasue they are conforming to non conformity.

by Katie fox February 14, 2005

50๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Everybody. All that is need be said. It is literally impossible to be "original". No matter what you think of, somebody somewhere has already done it. The people who started each "original" idea are generally labeled as conformists. The crazy kids that sit off in the corner wearing dark clothes with the anarchy shirts are conforming to the "anarchist" mindset, and no matter what they say about conformity, they all go along with it.

anarchist: no way, im not a conformist, im original with my nihilistic views of the world

by WR-#19 February 23, 2005

145๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž