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A Week In Hell: The ASMR Crew Documentary

A Week In Hell: The ASMR Crew Documentary is a movie in the process of being made documenting a normal week with every member of the ASMR Crew. It, while being a 100% true documentary on the lives of each member in the ASMR Crew also provides a new look into racism, sexism, and homophobia. With appearances by Father Ron, Al Qaeda, and professional hunter Darren, the standard poodle, A Week In Hell: The ASMR Crew Documentary is the perfect Documentary, and always will be.

Guy 1: Did you see A Week In Hell: The ASMR Crew Documentary?

Guy 2: Starts vomiting out their insides

Guy 1: So, how was it?

by Pyrocynical is a furry November 13, 2019

Short Documentary

Term used to cite source of information without revealing it came from TikTok

Dana: “how did you know how to knit that beautiful sweater?”
Hali: “It was easy. I just watched a short documentary on it with step by step instructions.”

by mombomb50 August 7, 2022

alphabetical documentaries

Assorted historical-entertainment productions, arranged in A-Z order:
BLOCumentary: Details of assorted common-goal groups
BLOCKumentary: All about cube-shaped objects
BOCKumentary: History of dark-beer brewing
COCKumentary: History of how lucky you got wif da fairer gender
CLOCKumentary: Details how da set for Doc Brown's laboratory was created
CROCKumentary: An expose of BS, or presents a timeline of how stoneware has evolved over da millennia

DOCKumentary: Tells about boat-piers from over da years
FLOCKumentary: All about warmth-linings, or "birds of a feather" social-behavior
FROCKumentary: Details fancy-schmancy dress-up duds for kiddos
GLOCKumentary: Discusses how Madea deals with "getters" who "done got" her
HOCKumentary: Expounds on topics regarding pawn-shops or leg-joints
JOCKumentary: History of athletes
KNOCKumentary: All about door-tapping and da related highly-popular pun-type jokes
LOCHumentary: Tells about inland waterways and ocean inlets
LOCKumentary: Details of hair-styles or mechanical exclusionary devices
MOCKumentary: A spoof on a genuine educational film

Additional examples of alphabetical documentaries might include:
NOCKumentary: All about archery
POCKumentary: How small dents are created
ROCKumentary: Educates viewers about minerals, thumpy-thump music, or tipsy chairs
SOCKumentary: All you need to know about cloth foot-coverings

SHOCKumentary: A really startling/dramatic educational film
SMOCKumentary: Da history of outer garments worn for protective/decorative purposes
SPOCKumentary: A biography of everyone's favorite logical-minded spaceman
STOCKumentary: All about farm-animals, long-gun butts, or Wall Street trading
TOCKumentary: Companion-episode to a TICKumentary
WALKumentary: All about gettin' up off'n yer lazy fat a** and "hoofin' it" sometimes, instead of always riding in a vehicle
WOKumentary: Da assorted details and attributes of Chinese cookin'

by QuacksO April 10, 2021

5 hour documentary

1. Those stupidly long documentaries that you can somehow watch through in one sitting

2. Also the opposite of 5 hour energy

Person 1: I’m planning to watch a 5 hour documentary after drinking a 5 hour energy

There’s no Person 2.

2024 7-16 5:11 p.m

Person 2 started watching a 5 hour documentary

7:23 p.m.

Person 2 was found sitting dead on his couch by Person 1

That’s why Person 1 drank a 5 hour energy.

5 hour documentaries can kill you

by Oiiiiiii July 17, 2024

That documentary about whales

Phrase (pejorative)

Used to identify and describe a corpulent individual without them noticing.

"Hey, have you seen that documentary about whales?
Check my 6 o'clock."

by eka.chester July 6, 2018

Aids the documentary

Aids the documentary is a movie made by kids that i like!

guy 1 "Aids the documentary is cool"
guy 2 "cool"

by 321312312 July 27, 2022

Aids the documentary

Aids the documentary is a documentray made by 4 school boys that i found on youtube.

guy 1 "Aids the documentary is cool"
guy 2 "i know right"

by 321312312 July 27, 2022