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a new slang word that means - a movie.

Lola: I am in the mood to just put on a robe and snuggle up to a nice and long fender.
Nicolette: OMG! You are sooo right, lets do it.

by Peter Calabrese September 2, 2007

4πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Synonym for booty

Mike my be ugly, but he gets his hands on more fender than a body shop!

by afsfcop September 9, 2005

6πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


A guitar company that was started in 1946 by Leo Fender. Fender is mainly noticable for their Stratocasters, also called Strats.

I'm gonna get a Fender Strat just like Eric Clapton's.

by Modern Guitarist August 2, 2006

222πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


1: Noun: The bumper of old cars and low riders.

2: Noun: A company that makes awesome guitars and basses, such as telecasters, stratocasters, and much much more.

3: Adjective: Synonym for awesome

1: Looks like the fender got pretty beat up in that crash.

2: Bob: I just got a fender guitar.
Jeff: Looks pretty shitty.
Bob: ... (watches silently as god smites jeff with a bolt of lightning.)

3: Max: Blacklights are fender.
Bob: Your stoned.

by MoheakanMidgit August 22, 2007

85πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


When you stick your weiner into a girls glizzyhole so hard that she cums within 5 seconds her gspot no longer exists

Fendering β€œChloe Got Fendered by Tom at the party last night i heard the bed rocking from down the street”

by A Man Who Likes Crackers October 1, 2020


noun. A male's penis. Since a bumper is known as a female's butt, it only serves right that the fender be in the front, hence the penis.

When a bumper meets a fender it usually means that someone is screwing someone elses brains out...unless in the circumstances that clothes are still on then there's just excessive grinding and/or dry humping

Damn if you keep rubbin up against me with that huge bumper, my fender gonna tear that up!!!

You gonna cause a fender bender if you keep that up.

by Uncensored Reality January 7, 2010

9πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a folded piece of foil that you smoke meth on... always dull side up y'all!

hey pass that fender

by Missy J November 29, 2006

29πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž