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its basically 'hem standing for 'them' or 'him/her'

Hem thinks it's ok to have gay anal sex with another boy.


is hem a girl or a boy? we don't know so hem can stfu and go meatspin.com all day for all i give a shit.

by Nwzisgay November 1, 2010

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The term Hemming is the act of intentionally doing something in a public space in order to provide you with some much needed personal space.

Two guys are in a crowd at a gig.

Dan β€œMate why are you being such a drunk idiot?’
Jack β€œI'm not, I’m just hemming these people so they get out my face!”

Common phrases:

β€œI just hemmed the shit out of that old lady!”
β€œI’m trying my best to hemm these guys but they’re having none of it!”

by Wattoh June 26, 2017

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'Hemmed' is a term that is used when the person is so high that stoned doesnt cut it.

e.g. ay lad, i dont think i can have anymore of that, im hemmed in

by Hemmedthefuckin May 26, 2014

4πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

hem shave

Shaving your legs only up to where the top of your hemline reaches due to lack of time, laziness, or because you never wear pants that are any shorter.

I had to hem shave last night because I didn't have time before my date.

That's nasty.

by Yogurt86 February 21, 2011

Luke Hemmings

The eccentric cowboy of the band 5SOS, who occasionally appears in snapchat memes and forgets to wash his hair.

β€œYou know Luke Hemmings?”

β€œHell yeah! The eccentric cowboy.”

by eccentriccowboyluke January 11, 2019

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Luke Hemmings

An Australian blond God. Born July 16th 1996, Lead vocals & guitarist to ban 5 Seconds Of Summer or 5SOS. This boy is truly Beautiful and no words can describe the love that I feel for him. Facts about Luke Hemmings:
-His favourite animal is a Penguin. Because let's face it they are awesome.
-His favourite TV Show is 'How I Met Your Mother'
-He has 2 brothers
-He has a dog called Molly
-He likes cheese and ham
-His most recent Ex is Aleisha McDonald
-He is pure Australian
-His mother is a math teacher
-His favourite movie is AnchorMan
-His favourite Ice-cream flavour is Cookies & Cream
-His perfect idea of a date is going to the beach then going to Cold Rock after
-His favourite number is 7
-He plays the amazing guitar solo in 'Out Of My Limit'
-He always eats, he's constantly hungry. He basically lives in the kitchen.
-He won the 5SOS Pizza Hut ice-cream eating competition. He had 17 bowls.
-He's an uncle
-He said he would date a fan 2 years younger than him
-His best friend is Calum Hood, they have a bromance and their name is Cake.

So as you can see he is pretty amazing!

Randomer: Hey have you heard of Luke Hemmings?
You: What that amazing sexy Australian God?
Randomer: Yeah
You: Yes he is amazing, he is my future husband.
Randomer: Not if I get there first.


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Luke Hemmings

Lead guitarist and singer of 5 Seconds of Summer aka the total package. his smile looks adorably innocent and makes me wanna shove a pencil in my eye and the lip ring added to it turns him into walking sex. He is perf, your opinion is wrong (unless its that hes perf)

"Hey do you know who Luke Hemmings is?"
"yeah he's walking sex with a lip ring, and he can sing. he's the total package"

by Roo :p June 20, 2014

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