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Cassidy Hutchinson

New urban dictionary entry

Pulling a Cassidy Hutchinson; to have more balls and spine then the entire team you play for

That Cassidy Hutchinson more balls and spine then the entire MAGA nation

by TheFatElvis June 28, 2022

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Conor Hutchinson

Complete and utter nonce,likes men and has a micropeepee

Callum:hey who’s that Philip:oh it’s just Conor Hutchinson

by The sneech November 13, 2019

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Vaginal Hutchinson's Disease

The disease that comes over males when they dont grow a pair testicles to flirt with the one woman they like. The male vagina(*see below) quickly gets infected and the disease quickly spreads to the brain giving the mind assets of a "Vagina Decliner."

(*)The male vagina forms when the male who once was thought of to have balls but now is known that he doesnt. Most occurances are diagnosed when a male wont talk to the girl on the heater.

This disease cannot be infected into shemales.
But can be caught by people who are incredibly close to the line of homosexuality.

Lynn: Natalie is on the heater Zach. Go sit by her.
Zach: im trying to pay attention in class douche.
David: come on you pussy go by her.
Zach:No ass hole.
Brett: Man, you must have been infected the Vaginal Hutchinson's Disease"

by David the Native February 13, 2008

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Kayne Newman-Hutchinson


Kayne Newman-Hutchinson is thicccccc

by Kayne Newman-Hutchinson September 27, 2018

Evan Hutchinson

Huggggeee penis 😍

Hes got an Evan Hutchinson

by Shjdjsjd April 6, 2018

tyler hutchinson

A man of refinement and nobility, one who enjoys many finer things in life and appreciates wisdom and knowledge.

He upholds to the ideals of Tyler Hutchinson.

by King of HoneyBees May 16, 2021

sammie hutchinson

A really awesome girl who is probably obbsessed with Taylor Swift and her dog.

Person: is that Sammie Hutchinson?
Another one: ya isn’t she obbsessed with Taylor Swift and her dog?

by coolio2782825261 August 15, 2021