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te la jales guey

A slang phrase in Spanish that means, "Go fucking beat off!"

Bill: "Dude, I just screwed your mom por culo."

Juan: "Te la jales guey!"

by El guero que habla espanol November 3, 2008

3👍 23👎

jale time

A period in da clink dat you hafta serve for abusing a substance of some kind. In America it refers to illegal drugs, but in da U.K. it could mean simply dat you tossed back too many tall frothies (i.e., pints of "ale") at da local pub.

Andy Capp occasionally has to do jale time for staggering about on his way home after having had Jackie re-fill his tankard too often.

by QuacksO January 28, 2023


A person of extreme charisma, one who attracts all people to their area of influence. Also, Jales' excel in artistic capacities and are known for making stew using hotdogs.

Once we entered the bar, we noticed a crowd around an individual... must be a Jales.

by LOOKSKIEWAWKER February 8, 2022


Jolt Of Oxygen


by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. June 11, 2021


Jales is a pretty, nice fun person who is amazing at drawing. She hates guys who cant keep secrets and she hates work. She loves maths and she is very sensitive.

Jales love rich guys

by Dutch girls November 23, 2021


The ship between the 2 gay dudes Jac and Kyle

"Jale is my life and religion"

by GREGGGMAN February 19, 2021


Jale-Nur is a beautiful girl with a stunning smile. She’s cool with everyone she meets and super chill to be around. She has the tendency to steal hearts… amongst other things. Her sweetness makes up for it though. She’s very caring and gives her all - even if you don’t deserve it.

She’s so sweet, must be a Jale-Nur!

by moriomuskat November 20, 2021