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lonleyraven lawsuit

threatening a bogus lawsuit via instant messenger

don't talk smack about him on your website, or he'll slap a lonleyraven lawsuit on you!

by shannon w. May 7, 2009

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Little Dick Lawsuit

When you are a shitty politician who overcompensates by filing frivolous lawsuits in order to build your own name in the press.

There goes Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry filing another little dick lawsuit and wasting the state’s taxpayer money...again.

by DeminLa July 6, 2021

Snatch Action Lawsuit

When a group of prostitutes sues one guy.

Cynthia: I hate that man, he robbed me and the sex wasn’t even good!
Patrica: I told him $30 for a blowie and he only gave me $29!
Charleen: Come on girls, let’s file a good ole snatch action lawsuit on accounts of cheap men and bad dick!

by Cock-monger_chris January 7, 2020

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class action lawsuit

A way of suing a corporation for big money and something increasingly corporations wish to deprive you of via their Terms of Service

Alt Definition: Legalese for a bunch of sons of a single bitch to come together and all fuck their bitch-ass mother at once

TikTok was able to settle the class action lawsuit before they would have to pay EVEN MORE money to everybody

by InvaderInvader December 10, 2021

lawsuit bird

An angry irrational woman, usually a soccer mom, that doesn't have any rational or logical tactics in an arugment, so she will yell "LAWSUIT! LAWSUIT!" in a crow-like voice in order to get people to do what she wants. Hence: Lawsuit bird.

It is rare for a lawsuit bird to actually go forth with a lawsuit.

I was raised by a lawsuit bird, so I usually got any class I wnated in high school because the schools feared a lawsuit.

by Downvoting Victim August 26, 2006

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class-action lawsuit

What da students of a rude/unfair teacher bring, either against him/her directly and//or da entire school.

If Ethan Couch's papa had indeed purchased da entire school just so dat his "little prince" could be unreasonably coddled da way he preferred, da other students would likely have filed a class-action lawsuit against said brat's paternal enabler for da torture dat said special treatment was subjecting all of THEM to.

by QuacksO February 15, 2020


I mean.... You said they were lawsuits and now you're saying they're "equivalent to lawsuits". So... You called them lawsuits because you wanted people to think that they were lawsuits even though that they are NOT lawsuits. Not very precise in your speech there, buddy. Or maybe that's what you mean! THAT'S IT!!! By "Be precise in your speech" he means "Use your words in a way that allows you to controll how what you're saying is interpreted, RATHER THAN what you actually mean"

Hym "They are either lawsuits or they're not. You clearly want people to think they are lawsuits so you lead with the claim that they are lawsuits and then as you reveal more information you dial it back into something MORE TRUE than your original statement. See, Bertrand Russel's criticism of Socrates."

by Hym Iam January 29, 2023