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lowry out

lowry out, lowrying out, lowryed out

The act of not following through with a previously agreed upon social obligation, often without giving any notice to fellow participants of your intentions to not appear.

"I know I said I would go out to the bar, but I think I'm just going to lowry out and stay home to watch spongebob"

"Derek said he was going to come visit us before he left for Australia, but instead he lowryed out"

by kfor April 5, 2009

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Andrew Lowry

A Head Engineer that worked at Nasa that got fired in March of 2012 for sexual relations with Senior Advisor for Nasa, Thomas Miller.

Damn, i really had an Andrew Lowry of a day today.

by coolguy2112 August 29, 2019

Lowry Crossing

A small Texas town in the Northern DFW metroplex known for it's abundant liquor stores, firework stands, helicopter pad, unregulated food stands, and lack of zoning laws. The poorly maintained roads and lack of street signs ensure passage through the city limits will be awkward for non-residents.

Dude 1: Hey man, I think my car is pulling to the left.

Dude 2: You don't remember hitting that massive pot hole last night on Bridgefarmer Road?

Dude 1: Oh yeah, I was wicked hammered and we wanted some fireworks and snow cones, so we went to liquor crossing.

Dude 2: You mean Lowry Crossing?

Dude 1: Yeah, I am still hungover.

by Nescobar Aloplop January 8, 2013

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Witt lowry

The best rapper ever. He puts everything into his music and you should look him up on any streaming service that you listen to music on.

OMG have you heard Witt Lowry's new song it is so good.


Conghal Lowry

If you are named Conghal Lowry you are basically a retard.

Conghal Lowry is a bit of a prick and he also looks like a load of bread

by Ron McNeill October 27, 2019

Dirty Lowry

Where you sit on your hands until they go numb. Then you jack off thinking its natalie lowry at work.

"Hey mom, I just dirty lowry'd all over the dog!!"

by hjdfsahidfjdfldfshdfs November 12, 2006

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Scarlett Lowry

In response to the top definition of my name that some asshole wrote, I will have you know that I am very much an “ugly ass bitch” and I do love Tyler Joseph but, I do not have an obsession of him. My weave is nappy, but at least my username isn’t “cool person” bc like what kind of dumb ass bitch would make their username cool person😂. But then again with all jokes aside when you were making an account you probably selected the custom option, but that is not the point the point is that you should probably not hide behind a screen and say hateful but true things about someone that is probably 10 x better then you will ever be, just kidding I look like a burnt hot Cheeto dipped in charcoal toothpaste and am like a boy repellent spray. But you are probably a bhad bhabie Stan That looks like the cat in the hat on crack. So before you go mess with someone that can snatch your mans I would change your username and confront yourself with your George Clooney looking ass.
Have a nice day

Scarlett lowry is better than cool person in every way possible

by WetCinderBlock4784 June 3, 2020