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The most creative artist I've ever met. The only person who puts up with me and she is wonderful. She has a love for video games and can understand the computer concepts that confuse others. I love her very much and now the whole internet can read this.

Hey Lucy how you doing?

by RentalLeader745 November 28, 2018

26πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Lucy is a type of girl that when she smiles no one can deny she is the prettyist person in the room she is always happy and nice and she will never do something to annoy you most people love her, but the people that don’t are just jealous of her good looks. She has a body to die for and has a face to kill for. Every part of her is outstanding and you will always want to have her as a friend or even more than that.

Wow I met Lucy today she is the best person I’ve ever met

Heath Derrig

by Sassyoblong April 25, 2018

43πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A gorgeous, musical, sexy girl who is considerate of other's feelings and is very friendly. Means the world to me, is always there for me. Very beautiful, flirty when she wants to be and a truly awesome girlfriend. I love her so much.

1. Lucy is so sexy
2. Wish i was with her every second
3. She's mine for life

by Greeny147 November 29, 2014

209πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


Lucy is one of the kindest and craziest person you will ever meet. She always there to make you feel better, and makes sure you are your best self. She is one of the most selfless people you will ever meet. She will always find something special you have in common no matter what. At first she may be a little shy but as you get to know her you will become even more caring, funny, and sweet. She will spend hours talking to you even if it’s only for your Benifit. Although she hates to admit she is so pretty, and many people want to be her friend. She will always be especially amazing at doing crafts and drawing. She is an amazing friend and always will be. Not only will she become your best friend, she will make you feel better in yourself and help you make the right decisions. She is very adventurous, and will go on to do great things. If you ever meet a Lucy make sure to be her friend, it will be worth it.

Lucy is incredibly sweet and an AWESOME friend!

by Lucy Gurllllll April 23, 2020

25πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Lucy is the sweetest, and the most real friend you will ever have. She is athletic and loves music. She has many friends and many best friends. Everybody wants to be Lucy's friend! Lucy is GORGEOUS (like beautiful). When Lucy gets home from school, (or work) she will automatically get whatever she needs done. Lucy never procrastinates. She is very hardworking, friendly, and again, the sweetest! She will shower you with kindness and loyalty. She has an amazing attitude. Lucy can be funny at some times, and serious at other times. Just being around a Lucy will brighten your day. NEVER EVER let a Lucy out of your site.

Person 1: "Oh did you see Lucy over there?" Person 2: "Yeah. She is SO sweet and I want to get to know her better!"

by Juliac205 March 25, 2019

87πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful, unique creature. A Lucy is mysterious and enticing, she can lure any male/female with only a single glance. Lucy's are mainly cold on the exterior, yet are extremely sensitive deep down. They often act as though they are content- but are extremely self concious and can't usually see just how amazing they actually are. Lucy's have a witty and dry sense of humour, using sarcasm as a defence. They usually wear the classic 'Resting bitch face' constantly, and love the basic colours black and white for clothing. Lucy's have a need to earn money, and can become very money orientated. They crave a strong love, and can feel extremely lonely and isolated at times.

Lucy's are strong and independent, and succeed in every thing they do.

Wow, I wish I was a Lucy.

by Lucymae March 28, 2016

49πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is super amazing, sweet, and really funny. She hates school and would rather be eating food all day. She sometimes has her bad days, but they're very rare.

Not to be confused with Loser.

"I'm hungry so I'm just gonna ditch school today."
"LMAO don't be a Lucy!"

"Woah chillax , you're such a Lucy!"

by tangentjif April 20, 2017

214πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž