Source Code


The career goal of every employee too useless or lazy to do any REAL work

Vic Barron thinks that if he blows enough managers, they might eventually make him a manager too.

by -Anon- July 13, 2003

303πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


sits in the back room on myspace and facebook, smokes too much, talks on the phone, does little or nothing all day, then tells you what your doing is not being done well enough and gets paid twice as much as you to do it

manager's friend: what did you do at work today
manager: nothing really...

by nathan. August 21, 2007

378πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


A medical condition - and the professional field opened upon contraction - which nullifies or in severe cases reverses the normal causative effects of gaining skill in an area as experience with that area also grows, as well as inverting the pay-to-productivity ratio.

Bob got management and within 6 months had forgotten everything he had learned in his 10 years as a developer. He can't write a line of code anymore, but now he makes twice as much as he did before!

by Adayin December 23, 2009

54πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A scenario in which a person in an authoritative role is attempting to give you instructions or direction, but yet too retarded to spell their title correctly. A true urban retard.

Thank You,

by nasty dancer December 14, 2009

30πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a sadistic prick who suffers from the delusion that they are a "businessman" or "business woman" with a busy career when in reality they are just another back liner who got promoted via strategic ass kissing. Loves to treat everyone below them like crap, then complains to their friends that their busy "career" is just so stressful. Someone who wasn't intelligent enough to get an ACTUAL business career (CPA, etc). Usually an overweight ugly chick who did crappy in high school and worked at a fast food joint since her sixteenth birthday. Someone who is too ugly and fat to find a boyfriend and makes up for it by indulging in her "career".

Me: *works ass off in 120 degree heat in kitchen*
Manager: you're gonna have to fill in for the deep fryer today. Do u know how to do it?
Me: no I-

by NormalGuyYouSholdKnow November 11, 2007

240πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


An ambiguous entity that typically occupies the upper floors of buildings belonging to corporations. Management creates policies, procedures, and various directives designed to stagnate a workforce’s creativity while simultaneously providing obstacles to the accomplishment of work.

Ted: Oh, my God! Now I have to fill out this stupid checklist and run it through QA before I can start the machine after shift changeover.

Ralph: That’s management for you.

by Kate Sjostrand February 19, 2008

249πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


Slang term for a woman among a group of single women at an enetertainment venue, whose self-appointed task is to prevent single males or groups of males from approaching any of the members of "her" group.

While not always physically unattractive, the manager of a group will always have an unattractive attitude towards socail interaction with men, possibly due to a traumatic experience herself. Astoundingly, few if any are lesbians despite male belief; Many are in fact as despairingly lonely and in need of male companionship as any other single woman if not more so on average. They are in fact reacting in a manner as close to aggresive as their upbringing will allow.

" There was a bunch of real lookers in the club last night, but their manager kept getting in my way when I went over to ask them to dance "

by D F Stuckey March 17, 2004

75πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž