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easily and happily pushed to violence or passionate responses. can be sexual. which is really hott. and erotic. and scary. but hott.

John: SO i heard Jo is pretty aggresive in bed.....
Zach: Yeah what do you mean by that?
John: How would you describe her in the sac?
Zach: Like a tiger!
John: Bingo!!

by jo the tiger April 2, 2008

29👍 31👎

Aggresive Atheist

An atheist who, whenever anything religious is mentioned, proclaims loudly that it's all a load of bollocks

Bill: I heard that Jesus once..
Bill: Stop being an aggresive atheist!

by DTOL June 5, 2012

8👍 4👎


I mean, I would tell you what the word means but anyone over the age of 10 would understand.

Passive-Aggresive is simple to understand.

by Canadian Baka November 19, 2017

8👍 18👎


The art of hurting others without any violence or bad words

Here's bunch of passive-aggresive examples:

What you say: I'm busy
What you actually mean: Fuck off and kill yourself
What you say: What a great proposal
What you actually mean: How much crack that you have snorted?
What you say: With a great respect
What you actually mean: Fuck you
What you say: I'm OK
What you actually mean: I'm pissed off

by Sir. B February 11, 2021

1👍 2👎

Aggresively average

Someone who is average in all aspects

He is aggresively average

by Uni. 9832 January 4, 2022


live slug reaction

"aggresive?? open up a dictionary. all you know how to do is to deflect an issue by attacking me lol. I was slightly upset at how u treated me, not jealous, no need to inflate ur ego."

by dxsqz June 8, 2024


the state of being aggressive

Man 2: Why are you so aggresivity right now?

by bimbopotamus July 5, 2019