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An ambiguous entity that typically occupies the upper floors of buildings belonging to corporations. Management creates policies, procedures, and various directives designed to stagnate a workforce’s creativity while simultaneously providing obstacles to the accomplishment of work.

Ted: Oh, my God! Now I have to fill out this stupid checklist and run it through QA before I can start the machine after shift changeover.

Ralph: That’s management for you.

by Kate Sjostrand February 19, 2008

249πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


Slang term for a woman among a group of single women at an enetertainment venue, whose self-appointed task is to prevent single males or groups of males from approaching any of the members of "her" group.

While not always physically unattractive, the manager of a group will always have an unattractive attitude towards socail interaction with men, possibly due to a traumatic experience herself. Astoundingly, few if any are lesbians despite male belief; Many are in fact as despairingly lonely and in need of male companionship as any other single woman if not more so on average. They are in fact reacting in a manner as close to aggresive as their upbringing will allow.

" There was a bunch of real lookers in the club last night, but their manager kept getting in my way when I went over to ask them to dance "

by D F Stuckey March 17, 2004

75πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


The one who Karen is speaking to right now

Jake β€œDid you see that?”
Alex β€œYah, I think that was a Karen going to speak to the manager.”

by AnAnimalThatGotAPhone October 25, 2019

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A major that, as a condition for acceptance, requires the applicant to be unskilled in any area of recognized professional expertise.

My dad didn't want to do any work, so he majored in management. It's company-sponsed welfare.

by Blake Martin January 21, 2004

107πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


anything someone does with a partner that is sex related

dude, i totally managed this chick last night!

by bay-bee October 5, 2007

57πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A way to talk about smoking weed without actually saying the words. Used when around authority figures, virgin ears, or people you just dont like.

Mom, "hey sarah, where's billy?"
Sarah, "he said he was managing with some friends"
Mom, "your brother works too hard."

by Rollnblunts May 14, 2010

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Telling employees that they really are not understaffed by using "numbers" when we all know that numbers can tell whatever story you wish to tell, truth and fallacy. Directing you to the REAL definition of "Management" which Merriam Webster does not agree.

Management: We crunched the numbers and you really don't need that many staff--how can you disagree with the numbers? Just because we had 6 people before, had added .5, and now have just doesn't mean you need that many!

by DeceitNeverWins October 25, 2010

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž