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Magical kingdom that boasts rare species of hipster, artist, muzza, bogan, emo and humble indie kid.
cultural wonderland of awesomeness.
It's actually fucking great. so many hidden quirky shops down pokey laneways. awesome street art, and interesting people everywhere.
go shopping there. my flavorite shops are lost and found indoor market on smith street, and retrostar in the city. but go exploring, there are so many wondrous places and shops and lanes full of splendorful and wow-inducing things.
all the people that say melbourne is shite must be on crack because if they got one day to experience the real melbourne, there is no way they could say it was a hole. it may not be everyones personal preference of place, but its definitely not shit.
if I had arms that I was able to extend to bizarre lengths, I would wrap them around melbourne, because it is so damn huggable.
peace to sydney. I like you to.

melbourne is great. really, it is.

by pshhhfttt January 7, 2010

40๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A classy, sophisticated, stylish and cosmopolitan city of Australia.

The city prides itself on it's rich cultural heritage, multiculturalism, fashion, shopping, sport, food, live music scene, arts, entertainment, restaurants, bars, clubs, cafes, art-filled laneways and alleyways, and parks and gardens.

Melbourne has some of the worlds greatest restaurants and dining experiences, and some of the oldest and amazing architecture in Australia.

It is named the fashion, food, cultural, live music scene, literature, arts, and entertainment capitals of Australia, and the Sporting capital of the WORLD!!

Sydney may be the postcard city; the city that is nice to look at, but that is it.... whereas Melbourne is they city you want to live in! Melbourne is also beautifully situated on the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay. The sunsets/sunrises are amazing! Also, Sydney spend all their money on promoting their city overseas.. big mistake!! Melbourne spends its money on improving the healthcare, schools, transport and infrastructure, which puts it in the top 3 most livable cities in the world!

Person 1: "I absolutely LOVE Melbourne with all my heart"
Person 2: "It is such a stunning city with real depth and substance to it"
Person 3: "Something Sydney is missing, ey?"

by M4EVA March 30, 2010

36๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most Bipolar place on earth - weather wise at least

Catherine Zeta Jones is Melbourne (Bipolar)

by why_dont_i_live_in_brisbane September 7, 2017


Absolute shithole, you can find it in Victoria, and because its in pom land there are lots of stabbings shootings and Rangas out to steal your sunscreen, to much fucking traffic, it takes 4 hours to get to fucking maccas and even thats just 4 km away, absolute shithole, once again full of pigmies

Guy 1: should we go to Melbourne

Guy 2: fuck that shithole lets go to the middle of fucking nowhere

by Mika Job October 22, 2020

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Australian city down in the South.

Engaged in a constant battle of superiority with Sydney, that most likely started when they were choosing the capitol city of Australia. (Neither won.)

Probably most know for its enthusiastic population of AFL supporters. (Avoid Collingwood fans)
Friggin hot in Summer, if you go bring an air conditioner.

If you are American you will be tempted to pronounce it 'Mel-buuuuuuurn.' Please don't.

Guy 1: "Mate, going down to Melbourne for the AFL finals! Collingwood vs Richmond! YYYEEEEEAAAAAH"

Guy 2: "Dude, look out for those bogan Collingwood supporters"

Guy 1: "Sure thing!"

*manly hug and clap each other's backs*

by Tigersgirl March 11, 2011

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A city in Australia where people still think it is the height of sophistication (and oh so European...) to drink a coffee at a table in the street.

Consequently there are more coffee machines per square metre than anywhere else in the universe.

Sydney person: What is your favourite thing to do on a Sunday?

Melbourne person: Just sit & have a coffee & read the paper. What do you do?

Sydney person: Oh I go surfing, fishing, scuba diving, bushwalking...

by herring March 13, 2012

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The state capital of Victoria, Australia Melbourne is a dark, dirty, mangy shithole.

Demographic; moisturising, manscaping, sandal wearing metrosexual pseudo fags.
A town where a broke as fuck 30 year old uni student wearing a skivvy with sandals is held in higher esteem than an accomplished and successful tradesman,
Spiritual home of the Bogan,
A stinking filthy river flowing through the guts of it,
The people from there claim to be well educated, cultured and globally aware but all they seem to do is bitch and moan about others, narcissism reigns supreme.
In a nutshell the only two good things about Melbourne are Carlton Draught and the Hume Hwy northbound.

"Glad to get the fuck away from that shithole, the whole town is 'the secret life of us' and full of cunts that look like that little queer bloke in the YOUI insurance adds".

"Dont walk around in Melbourne alone at night, you'll get glassed by bogans or robbed by a junkie".

by turbodiesel March 25, 2010

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