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A classy lady with some seriously bangin' hips. The kind of girl that has bitches on call and knows what's what.

Oh, that's Yarra.

by ElliotFalls January 15, 2011

22👍 24👎


A very amazing human being sent by the heavens. She is amazing and you'll never find someone like her again!

Wow! That must be Yarra

by robintjuuu November 26, 2021

1👍 2👎


A very amazing human being sent by the heavens. She is the most special girl in the world and everyone loves her!

Wow! She must be Yarra

by robintjuuu November 26, 2021

1👍 2👎

yarra junction

a place in the yarra valley thats an absolute shithole where teens want to do nothing more than get high and skip school

(Teen1) hey i heard you go to school in yarra junction. (teen2)yeah barely i go like every now and then when i feel like it. (teen1) oh nice wannna go buy vapes from that cornerstore i hear he doesnt id. (teen2)sure.

by yarravalleyshithead November 10, 2021

Upper Yarra secondary college

A place used to punish the youth of the Yarra valley. Commonly shortened to UYSC

upper Yarra secondary college is a shit hole

by Jamesdrysale April 24, 2021