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Seriously, just stop with the name definitions on urban dictionary. They don't mean shit.

Jayden: Wow look at my name on urban dictionary. It says that a Jayden is a strong smart guy who gets all the chicks and will become richer than Jeff Bezos.
Bob: Shut up, you're 15 and you've dropped out of school and do nothing but sit down all day.

by A4775 November 9, 2020

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A curse given to you by your parents. Often has nothing to do with your personality. Like there may be a girl named Sunny who always dresses in black, listens to Gothic music and lights candles for a source of light.

When I grow, i'm changing my name to something cool like...Midian!


by .Midian. March 14, 2011

130πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


A name is a label used to identify a person, place, or thing. It can be given to you by someone else or one you've chosen for yourself.

In the case of people, your name is one of the most important things your have both in terms of reputation and how you feel about yourself. Having a name you loathe can have very negative effects on your self-esteem, health, and success in this world; and likewise having a name you love has positive effects. If you are going though life with a name you can’t stand, you should change it to something you like. The bottom line is, it’s your name and you have to live with it, other people don’t.

Ruth didn't like her name so she changed it to Alex.

by OneBadAsp October 17, 2006

393πŸ‘ 252πŸ‘Ž


Your name is your personal identification, given to you by your tutor at the moment of your birth, at times it is given to you before you came out of the uterus by your parents or adoptive parents that had a deal with a woman who's uterus they rented. There is cases like orphans or children left behind that get names later on in their lives by uncles, nuns and others.
If you have an average English, there is a high likelihood that it will be registered in urban dictionary might tell you excellent things: To women, it tells them that they are special and beautiful, unique in every sense and kind hearted; while to men it'll tell them that they are the perfect boyfriend, that their penis is ginormous and they are unstoppable in the bed, also that they are intelligent and magnificent.
But there are exceptions to this rule such as Eugene.

1: Hello there, my name is Mark.
2: Oh cool, I'm Erika.
1: Really? That's great! Urban dictionary says Erika's are great people, really understanding and charming, no way one could be bad, urban dictionary wouldn't lie.

After college Mark and Erika got married Erika became a housewife and 5 years in their marriage, Erika cheated and got divorced, took away the kids and Mark's money

by nicklikesdogs May 22, 2017

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A label assigned to you so that your foolishness is not confused with most of the other people. It is only a label and not an adjective of your personality.

His name is smart, but he is dumb

by Thejoker1141 May 15, 2017


A name is something that a person can call you instead of just calling you a person. You're given your name at birth or you can change it when you turn 18. For an example: Matthew. But you want your name to be something else so you change it to Leo

My "name" is matthew.

by EmmyπŸ§‹πŸ“ April 18, 2023


What everyone calls you by.


"What's your name"

"You know my fucking name why are you even asking?"

by WTFISYOURUSERNAME February 11, 2016