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passive aggressive

Showing disrespect towards others by way of lack of action or supposed forgetfulness.

Jim was downright passive aggressive towards Pete by "forgetting" to pay off his debt.

by Blindy's Voice of Reason July 26, 2005

319๐Ÿ‘ 359๐Ÿ‘Ž

passive aggressive

appearing indifferent, uninterested, or in support of an act before it happens but outwardly opposing and attacking it once it has occurred.

Me: hey baby do you mind if I roll out with my boys tonight?
You: I don't care. (but all your shit will be on the sidewalk when you get back)
Me: You're so cute when you are all passive aggressive like that. I love you.

by Greakan October 13, 2008

259๐Ÿ‘ 291๐Ÿ‘Ž

passive aggressive

Personality disorder now dismissed by psychiatrists but a popular term with people who have to label other people. Being verbally helpful but unhelpful in action.

Brian said that he would happily wash my windows, but instead he just spit on them and wiped it with his sleeve, a week late.

by Ben September 3, 2004

147๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž

passive aggressive

Girl Mad

Any girl is passive aggressive when she says "I'm Not Mad", etc.

by Foster S. Chaos August 16, 2008

170๐Ÿ‘ 230๐Ÿ‘Ž

Passive Aggressive

When you want to negatively affect someone without violence.

A told bad jokes to B so B curses at A and gets I trouble A was being passive aggressive

by The BoSS of bosses of bosses May 26, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

passive aggressive

to push a strong thought without making oneself vulnerable. a personality that may be ranting strong beliefs behind people's back or safely on the internet to avoid retaliation from the fear of it. trying to push others with a strong defensive shield that shows weakness. ranting/preaching politics and religion without a strong sense of assertiveness. pushing beliefs without action and results.

some passive aggressive guy was writing nasty racist comments on the internet because he knew that if he did it face to face he would have gotten his fuckin face kicked in.

by eazy-x January 2, 2008

61๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž

Passive Aggressive

When your mom tells you, your being passive aggressive

Damn it Kyle you lost the amex, soo passive aggressive!

by Ron's Catfish May 12, 2019

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