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a passionate monologue, sometimes drifting away from the original topic

"And then he spend the whole evening ranting about his coworkers"

by IamMeWasTaken November 14, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ugly and distorted sound of two notes, an octave apart, coming out of a brass instrument (such at a trombone or french horn), by accident, at one time.

The Solti Bruckner 4th Symphony recording with the Chicago Symphony contains a clearly audible rant on the unison low C-flat in the trombones

by brass vulture February 7, 2010

83๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


word used when extremly annoyed

maccas and gilly are competeing in ancient history exam. when maccas find out gilly beat him by 2 marks he yells

by baldeagle111 April 3, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone with goofy features, acts like a nerd

I hate my school because its filled with rants.

by yaboydomo November 21, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for retarded pants. Used to describe capri pants.

That girl looks stupid wearing those rants.

by Stan Andrews June 29, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Poor White Persons version of RAP, in the sense that it a specific kind of spoken or written format, blending artistic expression, personal experience and politic protest and is usually written for an audience of peers in mind. Like RAP, it is an angry but non-violent form of political expression. Punk Music is to Ranting as Rap Music is to Rapping. Today, poor whites, perform Rants in pubs, pod-casts and on the Internet.

Anger is usually the fuel that oppressed people use to organize and fight for social and political change. Since Rich Whites don't want change, they have re-defined the tradition of Ranting into something that is done by crazy, unstable people, used to incite violence the same way they have positioned, re-defineded and/or reacted to RAP and Rap Music.

Historically, in Old Europe, Rich Whites encouraged Poor Whites to physically fight each other, Boxing, and outlawed Ranting in many cities and countries. Ranting like Rapping, is considered more dangerous then Boxing to the White Power Structure, because it encourages poor people to become personally and actively politically engaged and to collectively direct their anger outwards in organized political action rather then inwards, towards each other.

Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London England is the oldest Public Ranting Space and has had such people as George Orwell and Karl Marx Rant there. It is still the place in England where The Poor gather to protest. A recent anti-war protest at Speakers Corner was banned for "safety," reasons.

Let's go over to Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park and listen to the Rants.

Rick Mercier became famous in Canada for his ranting on This Hour Has Twenty Two Minutes.

Did you hear her brilliant rant against Rich Whites at the pub last night?

by punkgirl November 14, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


to talk passive aggressively about something without having the guts to take real action. ranting usually takes place behind someone's back or safely on the internet behind the computer screen. to rant is to talk big but to have little balls. ranting also refers to the politically and religiously self riteous who talk a bunch of useless bullshit that makes no difference but expects everyone to aggree.

some guy made a bunch of nasty racist rants on the internet because he knew if he did it face to face he would have gotten his fucken face kicked in.

by eazy-x January 2, 2008

33๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž