Source Code

courtesy reboot

The courtesy reboot occurs when you are using your computer for a time-sensitive purpose, such as writing a report or making a presentation in a meeting. Without notice or even a BSOD, your screen blanks out and your computer reboots. On restart you frequently receive a cheery "update installed!" message, which makes your blood boil.

Presenter: Now let's take a look at the FY09 budget numbers, which we need submit in the next 20 minutes.

(Screen blanks out)

Attendee: Looks like you're going to have to wait for that courtesy reboot first, pal.

by Shelley McIntyre April 30, 2008

Hardcore Reboot

Turning a computer on and off about 10-20 times as fast as you can. Usually done when your computer does not start up normally and you are to angry to fix it in a calm and constructive manner. Too many sessions could result in permanent damage to a computer.

Windows 98 could not boot to the desktop, so I showed it who's boss. Now it won't even turn on.

by masterdomp August 10, 2005

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Gritty Reboot

Re-starting a film franchise from the very beginning and making it a grittier, more realistic version that will appeal to adults.

"I thought the Batman movie franchise died with Batman & Robin but we got The Dark Knight thanks to that gritty reboot!

by Cacaphony5432 July 1, 2010

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Redneck Reboot

A last resort when troubleshooting a computer. It is the act of removing the power source on a computer to try letting it reset itself.

If you've tried everything else, redneck reboot the son of a bitch.

by neatboy February 9, 2010

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Norwegian reboot

A Norwegian reboot is what you have to do when your computer freezes up to a non-negationable point, i.e. turn the power of or simply ripping out the cord, fairly common on most PC's.

"Damn, my Windows (insert Windows version of choice here) froze again"
"Well, you might just have do the Norwegian reboot. Again."

by Hunter_S_Stompson May 18, 2014

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mexican reboot

To turn on and off

Try the mexican reboot. Then maybe it will work

by CameronStephen00031 December 25, 2017

Booze ReBoot

The act of vomiting while out on a party, in order to continue drinking. Especially when on spring break.

Dude, if I am to continue on with this bender, I need to hit the can and Booze ReBoot

by T Dubya B June 3, 2009