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Daniel Seavey

Daniel Seavey is the sexiest member of world known band why don’t we. He is a dad who has been accidentally placed on this earth. He has eyes a blue as the ocean. He is a very thiccc snaccc

Daniel Seavey is very sexy

by whydontwe_stan22 November 24, 2018

15👍 1👎

Daniel Seavey

Daniel Seavey is the hottest person alive,a snack, full course meal, you can’t even take him to the movies because they don’t let snacks/full course meals in. Perfect boyfriend❤️❤️❤️

Person 1- Who is that??
Person 2- That’s my snack boyfriend named Daniel Seavey.

by Geo bob November 15, 2018

10👍 1👎

Christian Seavey

The type of guy every girl/ guy falls in love with. he is super kind hearted and knows how make everyone smile. He is an actor, and a model. He knows how to crack a joke and make everyone laugh. he treats his one and only like royalty. he falls in love really easily and will do whatever it to hold onto you. he is an incredible chef and the most incredible people ever. if you get yourself a christian seavey, make sure to hold onto him and never let go.

Can I get myself a man just like Christian Seavey?

by Seaveysgf November 12, 2020

Daniel Seavey

a prodigy of music that is too pure for this world.Also known as Giraffe

How is Daniel Seavey so talented

by whydontweislife1234 October 19, 2018

8👍 1👎

Daniel seavey

Daniel James seavey is the finest boy on this earth he is my husband and he has the most beautiful voice 😍💗

“Hey did u hear about Daniel seavey? He’s a really good singer and he’s hot!”

by triciaseavey April 28, 2019

Daniel Seavey

An absolutely amazing person with a great sense of humour. He will make you laugh until you are crying. He will always make you happy and will make you feel like you are invincible. Daniel is always trustworthy and He is always the first person you will talk to about anything that's bothering you and He always sorts it out and makes the world seem alright; it doesn't matter how bad you are feeling he always cheers you up. He never fails to put a smile on your face. He will frustrate you when he says he isn't good enough because you know that it just isn't true and that he is just the best. Daniel is good looking and is the type that always drinks coffee and wears a beanie which he looks so cool in. His music taste is just incredible and he always knows how to lighten the mood. He is a kind, compassionate and caring person and even though he never sees that in himself he deserves to know that it is 100% true. He is just amazing.

Daniel Seavey is so compasionate and always cares about you :)

by Livvvy_13 July 9, 2019

Daniel Seavey


Michelle has a boyfriend named Daniel Seavey!

by @why_dont_we.chills November 9, 2020