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n: a seavey is a very attractive and certainly awesome individual who is loved by every woman in his/her path and very few men. seavey is also a musician and a very fine one at that.

adj: seavey means super-cool or just plain awesome; can also mean a delicious fruit.

v: the seavey is a popular sex move in which one has oral sex in a dirty chimney. often misconcieved as a dirty harry.

n: hot girl: "oh, that boy is such a seavey, I'd do him any day!"

adj: hot girl: "that is such a seavey way of having sex!"

v: Let's do a seavey in the chimney!!!

by sexyfreshman February 26, 2009

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Daniel Seavey

Daniel Seavey is the definition of hot, snack, full course meal, and ideal boyfriend

I am craving Daniel Seavey .

by Angelicxwdw May 4, 2018

989πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Daniel Seavey

An angel that has accidentally been placed on this earth!! 1/5 of band why don’t we


by Wdw_angel February 16, 2018

525πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Daniel Seavey

a beautiful boy, loves watermelon, has a cute tooth gap, in an AMAZING band called Why Don't We(BEST BAND IN THE UNIVERSE.)

Daniel Seavey is a full course meal!!!!!

by heidi.kissss June 9, 2018

459πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Daniel Seavey

The cutest boy EVER, and part of a band called Why Don’t We. He is the definition of perfect, from his blue eyes to his tooth gap, he is perfect. He loves everyone and is very lovable. His voice is so angelic and he can play ALOT of instruments

Sentence 1: Daniel Seavey is perfect.
Sentence 3: I love you Daniel Seavey!

by carmen_seavey June 19, 2018

292πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Daniel Seavey

Daniel Seavey is 1/5 of the pop man band Why Don't We . He has participated in the TV series American Idol. He has an angelic voice, amazing personality, and is VERY cute. He has recently dropped his debut album 8 letters with his band mates Zach Herron, Jack Avery, Corbyn Besson and Jonah Marais.


by Seavey.why.don't. We September 1, 2018

Daniel seavey

Daniel Seavey is a snack made up in the heavens pure gold talented king he can bend jade Victoria thornton over his tour bus and show her who’s boss anyday the godly dad

A snack? I just saw Daniel Seavey yesterday

by _jxdeeee_ on instagram February 14, 2018

258πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž