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Sesame Street

the best MOTHERFUCKING kids tv show that first aired in the mid 70sto today and will air TOMORROW.

i first what that show when i was like 2 years old now im 21I still tend to watch sesame street not caused im tweaked, cause theres nothing bettet on tv in the morning other than a bunch of stupid talk-shows or soap operas.

by jackson, j May 2, 2006

250๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sesame Standoff

Whenever someone eats any kind of sandwhich of burger on a sesame seed bun, and once finished proceeds to pick and eat the leftover sesame seeds off the plate or wrapper.

Dawn: Okay... are you done with you're roast beef sandwhiches? Let's go.
Smitty: No way. Sesame standoff.
Dawn: For real? You embarass the shit out of me when you do this!
Smitty then starts picking every sesame seed off the wrappers.
Dawn: I'm never eating out with you again, dad.

by PDXJohnny99 April 16, 2013

432๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sesame sneeds

Sesame sneeds are a great lunchtime snack. A term originally coined by the late philosopher and bachelor Matthew Robert Rose.

"Sesame sneeds are a great lunchtime snack.

My mum puts them in my lunchtime pack.
I love them so much, I could eat a whole sack.
Don't judge me, just give me slack."

by norambuena April 14, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sesame Susie

The act of purchasing a Big Mac from a local Mc Donald's, removing all Sesame seeds from the top bun and gathering them into a small pile. From this point, your significant other (Normally Female), will then begin to insert each individual sesame seed into the males Urethra. *Cotton swabs will indeed help with the insertion of the individual sesame seeds. Lastly but indeed, the most important part of this old Japanese maneuver, the significant other will then proceed to suck the sesame seeds of the the presented penis.

Yo bro, I totally just hit up Mac Dolads and gave my slam piece a Sesame Susie

by StompyMoose July 13, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

sesame street

In Poker, a straight consisting of Ace-two-three-four-five.

This obviously comes from the TV Show Sesame Street, which helps preschoolers learn to count.

You've got two pair, but I've got Sesame Street.

by Ron Palmer March 23, 2005

79๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sesame Place

The shittiest theme park in the world and also one of the worst places to work at. The characters are retarded, the shows suck, and it is filthy. The only people stupid enough to actually pay to get into this hell-hole are, of course, stupid-ass New Yorkers, who are generally Italian stereotypes. If you enjoy swimming in a public toilet or getting overcharged for everything, this is the vacation spot for you.

Tony: "Yo Donna!! Where we gonna take the kid for vacation dis summa?!"
Donna: "Oh I don't know Tony, how bout we go see a Yankees game? That Derek Jeter is totally not gay."
Tony: "Tell you what my little meatball, I'll put on my best guinea-T, grease up my hair real nice, and drive us on down to Sesame Place in my IROC Z-28. The kid freakin' loves that Elmo guy."
Donna: "Oh Tony, that sounds wonderful, wait till I tell my motha!"
Tony: "Yeah, I sure am great comin' up wit dis here idea, I think I'll treat myself to some pizza..."

by Byron Faunce August 24, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

sesame streetwalkers

preteen 8-13 year old girls who wear slutty outfits together and hang out in cliques, hoping to draw the attention of boys. sometimes works.

Nora: Hey did you see those sesame streetwalkers?

Greg: Yeah, the blonde one is super hot!

Nora: Um, she's 11.


by zoeyainthowuspellit September 2, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž