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Is the Keyboardist/Organ player for The Horrors.
Is known for his unusual bowl cut, but looks amazing on his chizeled face.

Wow your hair is so spider!

Wow look its spider!

by CharlieHorror April 16, 2008

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Shitty little crawlers that don’t deserve to be here, what the fuck do they even exist for. Nothing. It’s just something half the population hates, me personally I DESPISE these demons for paralyzing me in fear by just moving, and I hate it when people go like β€œIt’s just a tiny bug how does it hurt you” it hurts me by making my soul leave my body. They make me feel physically and mentally ill, god help me how do people live knowing there is a tiny horrifying arachnid waiting for you to open that door. I once had a spider crawl on my skin, never recovered. And a little mystery is how they just appear out of absolutely nowhere, they just go on and exist. You can look at a wall once, look away, look back and there it is!! I’m just so fucking tired of them, i hope they go extinct, what purpose do they even serve? Curing cancer? Treating hospital patients? DID NOT THINK SO! Not only are they gross, scary and just toe curling. But they are also useless. I need them GONE, GONE!! AWAY!! they just make me want to cry, and I have cried over them before. When I realize there is one In my room I immediately run out and hope it will just disappear. But when I realize I actually have to kill it myself I cry because I have to approach it, goodbye and thanks for listening to my rant.

Spiders are undoubtedly the most petrifying little things I ever seen

by Absolutely_not_okay June 28, 2023

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A convertible, usually of the make of Ferrari or Porsche.

Ferrari convertibles include the F355 Spider and the 360 Spider.

Porsche convertibles include the 550 Spyder.

by EJL March 14, 2004

19πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Flecks of shit that stick to the toilet bowl, even after flushing, that resemble spiders trying to crawl up and bite your ass. Sometimes caused by explosive diarrhea, other times caused by a Tower of Pisa turd when it falls and leaves shitflecks behind

I had a case of the volcanic shits - one blast from my ass painted the entire inside of the bowl with spiders.

by BratBastard October 17, 2011

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A demon that enjoys scarring the living shit out of innocent peapol.

Oh my God it's a demon! Oh no it's just a spider. Oh God it a SPIDER!!!

by Why me? July 25, 2020


Call someone a spider either means that they are creepy or scary. Also if you say "they are spidering me" Then that means that they are creeping you out

"Omg you are such a spider"

by a_RaNdOm_GiRlY101 April 21, 2019

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The most useless creatures on earth. They are eight legged freaks whose only purpose on this earth are to terrify the piss out of humans so much that they had to name a phobia after it... ARACHNOPHOBIA.

Jaime finally got some sense and unloaded a clip of air soft bullets on the useless spider.

by BNEW3702 September 12, 2008

24πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž