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Splendid Stephen

A person who has red hair and is slightly overweight pottering around pidgeons in parks

Person 1:it’s very boring today there is nothing to do
Person 2: yes indeed it is why don’t we go and do a splendid Stephen?

by Allison 123 April 12, 2021


BRAJ2PIA coming soon?

Wait, BRAJ2PIA coming soon? it’s hardly been a year since the last release! How splendid!

by Jrdnkllwy November 24, 2021


My favorite character from happy tree friends

My favorite character from happy tree friends is splendid

by March 9, 2022


Magnificent, Grand, Superb, Very Impressive, Excellent, Very good

Joe thought it was a splendid book.

by TheCreatorOfYou June 30, 2022