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Occupying oneself in an aimless but pleasant way

Ram was pottering around

by Rishav February 19, 2018


To pretend to go offline or close a account (facebook,twitter,boards.ie or skype ) but really be hiding in the background like Kells at a 12 year olds birthday party

Lee not been on skype today ?
Nah think hes pottering

by Carefree_Ste September 26, 2012

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Occupying oneself in an aimless but pleasant way with odd jobs whilst drinking beer.

I grabbed a beer and mowed the lawn on Saturday afternoon

I grabbed a beer and mowed the lawn on Saturday afternoon, I was just pottering around

by The__Bear September 6, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1) The act of talking to or having relations with one of your friend's boyfriends/girlfriends.

2) Going behind your friend's back to date their ex.

Amanda was pottering around with her roommate's boyfriend.

by Azita Johnson III December 1, 2009

5πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


A insult used by a certain blonde ( super gay) slytherin.

β€œPotter, is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?

by Yeetmysanity February 19, 2019

The Potter

The place where one spends 95% of your time when enrolled in a University of Melbourne Arts Degree.

Hey there Stephanie Hyphen-Surname, we've got our" Wanky Politics and General Disillusionment" lecture in 10 minutes!

Ok I'll meet you at The Potter.

by kavdog September 12, 2010

23πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A cute, outgoing, and popular guy. He is the sweetest guy ever who gives the best hugs. Anyone who ever meets and wins his love is the luckiest person ever. He will treat you very nicely, and always make sure you are happy.

I hope to one day fall in love with a Potter.

by maddiemae July 28, 2009

218πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž