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1. A cross between a fork and a spoon

2. An alternate name for Spirk

1. Ricky: Sporks are the best utensil ever!

2. Fangirl: Have you seen Amok Time!? There was SO much Spork! ::sqeee!!!:

by The Closet Fangirl February 25, 2010

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A utensil much like a spoon but with points to pick up something like meat

I want a spoon but my food must also be skewered to be picked up. So I will use a spork.

by Basic processor system robot July 12, 2015


A person who is lame, boring, dull, slow, or stupid

Quit being such a fucking spork man!

by Ms Boss lady April 21, 2018


A person who is online on instagram past 1:30am is a Spork.

A nickname given to the actor Scott Folan due to his being active past 1:30am. Scott "Spork" Folan is an actor who was cast as Jeremy Heere in the 2020 production of the hit broadway musical 'Be More Chill' in London.

Go to bed you Spork.
Spork Folan plays the character of Jeremy really well.

by SporkSporkSporky December 28, 2019


A bisexual person;

The fork component being the part of them that's attracted to females, the spoon component being the part of them that's attracted to males.

His spork behavior is illuminated when he goes for the males and females, the rizz goes both ways.

by RizzyRedRaccoon August 25, 2023


when an innocent spooning session ends in rough sex

dude I totally sporked her so hard last night

by daddyfabulousskittles February 14, 2018


A Cross between a spoon and a fork this is really fun to poke people with. Usually with 3 prongs, but sometimes you lose them when you're poking that annoying bitch that sits behind you. Sometimes used to give pleasure to yourself after the lights go out at night

Im going to spork that bitch into the next millinium.

by God January 22, 2005

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