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Little star way up high

It is me again…

How about a favor
For a dear friend?

My favor, if I may.

Can you let him know

Maybe through a twinkling light show

I love him to the stars everyday

When you see

The stars shine so bright
That is some love sent from me!!

by 4-u May 29, 2023

44👍 42👎


Coincidental? Maybe…
I posted about the moon

Prior to your picture scene.
I know what I believe❤️
We are meant to be!!!

Even far away
This love will always stay!!!
In your arms, not today;(
But I will get my way ❤️❤️
On that fine one day❤️❤️❤️

I love you!

Even when the stars are hiding
The moon is smiling

At our love shining!!

by 4-u June 2, 2023

35👍 43👎


An alternative to words and terms like A1, best, and top tier. Used in a positive connotation, it’s not commonly used, but sure sounds better than a word that shares a name with a steak sauce. Star can be used to describe the quality of music, to the appearance of one, and beyond.

Salvatore by Lana Del Rey will always be one of her star songs.”
“That girl’s style is so star.”

by jlinnnn61 August 19, 2018


1. A plane figure with three or more points.

2. A celebrity or one who is spectacular in a particular field.

3. A distant sun or planet appearing in the night sky as a point of light.

4. An anus.

1. Kelly dots her i's with little stars. I think she needs her medications adjusted.

2. Can you believe George Lopez is a star? How does that guy keep getting work?

3. That reddish looking star over there is actually the planet Mars.

4. When I was having sex with Jenni doggy-style, looking down at her star really turned me on.

by Uvula February 17, 2010

19👍 26👎


A Star is a person that is a cutie. You wouldn't live without Star even if you tried. Star is everyone's world, they might be you.

Caleb: Damn, that girl is such a Star.

Josh: I know right!

by thathiddenperson December 23, 2020

2👍 1👎


A Star is usually a hot ball of gas but you'll occasionally come across a rare person who goes by this name.

A Star is very very selfless. Like VERY. Stars are also athletic and tough and are highkey tomboys. Stars, both the gas balls and the people are very very pretty and all the guys fall for them. Probably girls too. And enbys too. Everyone loves a Star and if you have one in your life you should be very very grateful cuz, well, they're amazing!

"Woah, who's that? She's so cool!"
"Oh that's Star!"

by Offbrand VSCO Girl January 14, 2021

2👍 1👎


1. A symbol used for flags and others. The one made from one trait with 5 spikes being the typical one.
2. What cartoon characters see turning around their head after being hit on it.
3. A sun that isn't ours.
4. A celebrity (that we probably all wish ours, in our bed.)
5. A sexual position where the woman just lays there and do absolutely nothing, arms and legs wide open, like a useless star fish, and we wish wasn't in our bed (unless we have fetish for dolls or corpses).

1. USA's flag, satanist symbol (Do you see a link?)
2. Any old Disney, like bugs bunny.
3. Proxima Centauri (Alpha Centauri C). The nearest star to Earth after our Sun.
4. Hard to chose a decent example, real women with real boobs are hard to come by in Hollywood.
5.Guy: "Goddamn woman, react, move! Do something!"
Chick: *long thinking* "What am I supposed to do?"
Guy: "Enjoy it, do what you wish spontaneously... *sigh* It's not the same if it doesn't come naturally. Ah fff.... never mind *leaves*"

(Instead, enjoy yourself! Explore, taste, claw, bite, suck, tighten your vagina for more pleasure, move your hips in circular motion... heck read a book! Like the Kama Sutra. Use your imagination and participate. Never happened to me, but if girls don't want to DO sex.... then DON'T have it! Learn what's fun by masturbating, then enjoy yourself sharing that with someone. Stupid useless whore, have some self respect. But I guess that's what stupid players get for convincing a girl, who's not into it nor them, to do it.)

by FallenShad June 26, 2009

20👍 36👎