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Stephen Harper

Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in Canada's House of Commons. Member of the Privy Council. Economist. Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Believes in equality for all Canadians. Believes that Canada deserves an accountable government.

Demand Better! Vote Conservative!

by pitz August 26, 2004

189๐Ÿ‘ 738๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stephen Harper

The Canadian Prime Minister, and the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Probably the best politician that has been in office for the last 20 years. Vote Conservative.

Stephen Harper doesn't use tax money and spend it on his friends.

by James M. June 10, 2006

137๐Ÿ‘ 632๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stephen Harper

The act of farting on someone's chest.

I will Stephen Harper your mom then take her out for a lovely steak dinner.

by President Of Canada April 19, 2015

5๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stephen Harper

The Canadian version of the president.

Teacher: Ok class who is the president of Canada?

Smart-ass Johnny: Stephen Harper - they call him a Prime Minister in the great white north

Teacher: Ok class who is the president of Canada?

Smart-ass Johnny: Stephen Harper - they call him a Prime Minister in the great white north

by allieb November 22, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 231๐Ÿ‘Ž

stephen harper

A crazy right wing politician who is currently Canada's Prime Minster, leading his minority (thank god for that) government in Parliament. Notorious for conservative values, he is exactly the kind of white bred posh arse who would shake his kids hands when dropping them off to school in the morning.

It also seems that he hates women enough to oppose their personal rights over their bodies, has wishes to reverse past-decisions on same sex marriage rights in order to 'protect' the rights of heterosexuals, and believes that everyone in Canada is capable of finding childcare for $100 a month per child under six.

Also, he may or may not wish to be George W. Bush's BFF

john: why isn't bobby at daycare today?
jane: I can't afford to pay for his childcare now that it's not subsidized... plus the centre shut down because it can't afford to operate.
john: oh yeah I totally forgot... my partner lost his job because of the universal childcare benefit.
jane: yeah, one hundred dollars don't buy shite in daycare
john: god bless Stephen Harper

by the_common_man October 17, 2006

522๐Ÿ‘ 486๐Ÿ‘Ž

stephen harper

The prime minister of canada and apparently hated on UD because its full of liberal morons. NO you can't lose your job because day care isn't subsidised. NO he's not trying to make canada part of the usa. NO hes not Bushs bitch. NO hes not a neo-nazi facist ( if he is then dion and his cronies are commies). AND NO hes not stealing from you. One of the best things to happen to the Canada since the liberals cocked it up for so long, but because liberals think conservatives are all gun totin, booze chugin, racial slur spewin rednecks, they automaticly assume hes not a smart guy, but they assume hes a hillbilly moron.

GUY: stephen harper is a great prime minster.
GUY: ya but hes leading the country well.

by T0ront0 L1vn March 6, 2008

82๐Ÿ‘ 509๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stephen Harper's Revenge

The terrifying diarrhea you get when you're traveling in Canada and eat some bad poutine. Named for their illustrious prime minister in the grand tradition of travel-related intestinal distress.

For the love of god, pull over! I have Stephen Harper's revenge!

by ThisIslandAK April 6, 2011

53๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž