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Teanna Trump Republican

A Republican Politician that shamelessly blows Former President Donald Trump for attention or political gain.

See also Kevin McCarthy, Mo Brooks, Matt Gaetz, Charles Grassley, Marjorie Taylor Greene

There goes Kevin McCarthy again, like a typical Teanna Trump Republican.

by ReXx HeeLy September 28, 2021

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dirty teanna

The act of shoving food in a woman's vagina, then playing with her clit until she soaks it then shares the meal with you.

You haven't had a proper romantic meal until you've done a Dirty Teanna

by munchymunchster May 9, 2020


Teanna's are normally very ugly and dye their hair because they have nothing better to do with their life. You'll probably notice them failing their classes, and they always end up hating their math and science teacher. Teanna's will always find a way to scare their friends and be the very annoying over protective person they are. They alway have braclets and anklets. They tend to be BIsexual and usualy a top.

person 1: "did you see that ugly bitch teanna over there"
person 2: "yeah she very annoying, I hate her with all my heart xoxo"

by SNEEZEY TREE April 26, 2020