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Teanna is a really sweet person who has always got your back. She usually has brunette hair and brown eyes. She has her own unique ways and always knows how to cheer you up. She’s so pretty and is super shy if you don’t know her, but once you start to talk to her, she makes great conversation and gives you good advice!

“Teanna, wow i need to get her”

by orange flowers November 20, 2019

53👍 6👎


Teanna is a name for a girl who is independent and unconstrained by the conventional. She is her own, genuine person. Talking with her is like taking in a breath of fresh air. She is quirky, creative and charming with striking eyes and a great smile. She is likely attractive.

"Have you met that girl over there?"
"No, why?"
"Her name is Teanna and she is so interesting!"

by Teereckz August 22, 2019


Beautiful sexy brunette who's outspoken and not afraid to be a badass.talks a lot and is not a lightweight.

Guy 1 " wow did you see that girl?!?!"

Guy 2 " damn she's defenitly a teanna!!;)"

by Purple pandas January 6, 2014

112👍 22👎


Teanna😉, A Teanna is a one of a kind person. Very antisocial and likes to keep to herself. She HATES drama but can sometimes be dramatic but not in a fighting way in a cool calm funny way. She knows how to put a smile on your face but when she is mad trust me shes MAD.... Either ways if you need help with emotional or even physical support she is the girl to go to❤ She is an amazing friend and even better best friend... she is the type of girl to back up for you but not be the to cause a fight.. We Love Gotta Love A Teanna😂.

Best friend: Dang I need emotional support right now
Teanna: Aww whats the problem who i gotta through a punch for?

by Goodie_ nicegirl June 13, 2020


A tall, gorgeous woman, usually having blonde hair and blue eyes. She can be a bad ass but she's also very sweet. She'll never let you down. She has good friends and usually hangs out with a Rebecca. She rocks peoples worlds.

Guy 1: Dude, did you see that new girl?.. it hink her name is teanna.

Guy 2: yah she looks really fun, I think I'll talk to her.

by A greek godess February 3, 2010

114👍 86👎


Usually a tall women with feline striking blue eyes and full lips. Her hair is usually on the lighter side and even if she doesn't know it she is the prettiest girl in the room. She is a sweet thoughtful girl who tends to be shy and hides behind her friends when the boys whistle and cat call her. she is a great listener and takes all of your problems seriously. She will always try to give you advice back.she will tend to want to get to know you first before she will give you the gift of knowing her. once you are friends with a Teanna she will fight tooth and nail to protect her friends even if it makes her vulnerable. Teannas are generally good at things they like and are lazy with things that they don't. They tend to remain calm for a long time don't get into an argument with them they always know exactly what to say to get you to lose it and smile when they know they have won. they are competitive by nature but not cocky. Teannas prefer the small romantic gestures instead of jewelry Teannas tend to be attracted to your personality and always just want someone who is as quick witted and as funny as they are to make her smile Most times it doesn't matter if it's a What her preference is in whom she takes an interest in. as long as they take care of themselves and have a beautiful personality then she will love you

First man: what a perfectly amazing girl
He sees her when she's admiring the flowers

Second guy: then why don't you ask her out

First guy: I won't because I know at least ten other people are looking at her now and they could be better for her because that girl is such a Teanna

by Category zero May 10, 2017

11👍 6👎


Teanna’s are sometimes chubby. They have brown hair and dark brown hair, and they are sweet sometimes, but can get mad easily. Sometimes Teanna’s have 2 brothers and a sister, but she likes to think she is the only child. Teanna’s are fun and love to party, if you have a drink she is always down. Or even if you have hoots, she’s already ready for one. Teanna’s usually like boys who have black hair, are tall, and play hockey. Like guys named Kingston, or Telan. Overall, Teanna’s are great and keep them because they are super loyal and great.

Telan: Hey should Teanna come over?

You: OMG YES ! I love Teanna, she is the best.

by Starchief_lover2013 December 8, 2020

1👍 1👎