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The World’s Funniest Joke™

The joke scientifically proven to be the most hilarious when said unexpectedly or used in a stand up comedy routine:
“I ate candlewax for breakfast and MAN did I poop out a big train.”

I can’t believe the little old lady next door just told me The World’s Funniest Joke™ when I went out to check the mail this morning.

by Theeholycheeses August 29, 2023

Funniest shit i've ever seen

When a scientist transforms himself into a pickle and identifies as a pickle

Person1: And he turned himself into a pickle and now he wants to be called "Pickle Jerry" funniest shit I've ever seen
Person2: Have you started doing cocaine again?

by An_Asshole_With_A_Hat May 26, 2020

Funniest person to ever fucking exist

Dudes named Evan

Evan is the funniest person to ever fucking exist

by fallguysfan101 July 19, 2022

The Funniest

A word used to describe a funny joke. However, if you say it, the world will fucking implode on itself. Wait... oh god: why would you say it!?!?!

Person one: Hey man!
Person two: What?
Person one: Check out this meme; isn't it The Funniest?
Person two: Holy shit we're going to fucking die run for your life
Person one: Amogus

by March 11, 2022

funniest joke in the world


hey dude what’s the funniest joke in the world?” “you.”

by fossil puthay May 6, 2021

Funniest person

Honesty Livingston

“She is the funniest person I ever met

by L.H.A_ July 17, 2022

The funniest prank known to man

Step 1) Acquire or build an atomic bomb
Step 2) Find a door
Step 3) Open the door a little
Step 4) Carefully place the bomb on top of the door
Step 5) Wait for someone to walk through the door
Step 6) TROLLED!

"I'm gonna pull the funniest prank known to man."
This quote was stated before the devastation of a small town in Utah.

by TheRandomGuy_BD June 2, 2022