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Fun, funny, short-tempered, immature, wise, cheery, always smiling, obnoxious but sweet, and loud. Gates(s) is a particular boy/girl whom always seems to be smiling, and making others laugh for the fun of it. Gates is an out going person who will attempt anything and everything, no matter what it is. They're strong willed and strong minded, nothing ever brings this person down. Gates(s) hate rules, and always try to find a way to find a void in them. A Gates is also someone who will become your best friend if you get past their obnoxious, odd ways. Gates has a tough way in life, but they will do their best to see the brighter side of everything. Befriending this kind of person would be the best decision in your life, because no matter how old you are, where you'll be in life, Gates will always be the person you can rely on the most. If you already have a Gates in your life, consider yourself to be incredibly lucky!

Girl 1: Look, Nick and that Gates are jabbering away again!

Girl2: Ugh, they always seem to be the ones who make all the noise, especially that Gates.

by Nae-Nae May 29, 2012

28๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


When the boys roll up to the crib with energy drinks drugs and vapes and then you all watch virtual reality porn and eat garlic cloves with pengiuns

Hopefully today with be a gate day with the boyz

by Race car October 28, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


To lick out pussy

"im gonna gate her tonight" = im going to lick her out tonight

by merk spree January 1, 2010

87๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gates most commonly affiliated with billionaire mogul Bill Gates, is not in fact related to him in the slightest. Instead, it is a certain saying said by many an epic gamer and can be used to say that someone is doing something or that they are about to get very hyped. It can also be used as a saying of great excitement and happiness, even to an extent of relief.

JLoh Bean: "Let's go fucking gates on this!"
Detroit Father: "Go for a big blasting of the cheeks!"

by guguinga November 28, 2018


meaning something expensive, flashy, worth a lot of money (i.e. Bill Gates)

Yo, that Cadillac EXT with the 20 inch rims is Gates!

by Sarah McClintock November 19, 2003

96๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Gate

The Golden Gate Bridge as commonly referred to by fishermen.

The Halibut bite is on outside the gate.

by Steelheader December 11, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Denotes a place where drugs are sold, and is usually referred to places where the dealers live, most commonly houses or projects.

1. Hey yo, somebody just robbed my gate.

2. How you gonna come disrespectin' my gate like that?

3. Swing by the weed gate if your trying to pick up.

by ghostmaker July 11, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž