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Another word for a girl who is over 5.9 or a girl wearing way to high high heels

Wow you make me look so short in comparison your such a Titan

by Xcastiel December 6, 2015

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who sucks.

โ€œDid you see that guy fall down the stairs? He fell like a Titan.โ€

โ€œNo I didnโ€™t see it, nobody pays attention to titans anyway.โ€

by Yuengling drinker August 27, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


An elite group of individuals who are socially above the everyday human (mortal). The six original Titans are Chris Market, Matt Pfeil, John Nachtmen, Rob Jones, Tim O'conner, and Andrew Domzalski

Guy 1: Hey want to sit at that table
Guy 2: No, we can't that table is for titans

by Chris Market March 11, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Children of The Greek Sky God, Uranus and The Greek Earth Goddess, Gaia and their descendants, including the giants from other planets, (excluding the Olympians).

2. A nickname for a demigod, (e.g. like in the TV series, 'Class of The Titans'), especially a starchild demigod, since they are both so titanic in character & ability.

3. A metaphor for a mortal with outstanding height and/or athletic abilities, (e.g. strength, speed, jumping, etc.) like the Titans.

4. A nickname for a divine golden or sun-related being, (esp. the Greek/Roman Golden/Shining Ones, gold giant Greek/Roman humanoid automatons & The Solar Warriors of the titan sun god, Hyperion (who wear golden Greek/Roman armour & have angel wings made of gold).

'A common misconception is that a titan is always an ugly stupid giant when most of them are actually beautiful intelligent divinities descended from Gaia and Uranus.'

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 26, 2022

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Big ship
Big ship set sail
Young man meet young woman
Young man and woman fall in love
Young man paint nude of woman
Big ship hit large ice cube
Big ship sinks
Young man sinks
Young woman is rescued
Roll credits

I understand you like Titanic Barbara, but seriously, this is the FOURTEENTH time we've watched this damn movie

by Metallicajunkie October 21, 2018


Giant creatures that eat all your loved ones and friends. They are useless and should all die for killing someones mom!!!

Blonde friend:" the titans are coming!!!" Me: "TITANSSSSS!!!!"

by Jaegerlicious Eren November 3, 2014

155๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


An advanced alloy used in the manufacture of snow skis. Named for its dual properties of rigidity and pliability. Particularly unique for its ability to be initially rigid but ultimately receptive to probing when properly manipulated.

Mike and Jimmyโ€™s titanal framed skis provided sufficient rigidity and buttery feel to satisfy both Jimmys demands for stiffness on the front side and mikeโ€™s needs for pliability on the back side.

by Jimmy Romper January 28, 2019