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a term commonly used to describe a person as super cool.

a person: Toan, ur such a toner!
Toan: ...y thank you.

by MaDBaLLa March 5, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


a toner is a toe boner

woah man. His toner is sticking out through his sock. Thats hot.

by Jacob Hooker October 19, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.) Liquid used to help operate printers or overheads.
2.) Extreamly Gay Guy who things hes super cool

1.) Use the toner to fix the printer
2.) Man, that guy is being such a toner that i want to shoot him in the ass.

by wang wang March 8, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Toner Boner

What you definitely don't get when looking at a 2005 RAM 1500 Daytona edition.

Brad: Wow! Look at that RAM 1500! Why does it have a spoiler on it?
Carlos: He gets a toner boner from it. Nobody else cares about it but the guy driving it sure likes to think so. It's also got a bone stock 5.7 Hemi in it.

by Mardel March 11, 2021

toner pirate

Sleazy assholes who lie or mislead unsuspecting office staff into accepting replacement toner for corporate copy machines, or who send replacement toner unsolicited, and then bill the company at exorbitant rates.

Some intern signed for five toner cartridges, and now some fucking toner pirates have billed us for $1200.

by danimalbangbang September 1, 2005

37๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

El Toner

El Toner is a type of person. They take many shits and often sped out. Sometimes they will contract Emilitis but only if they have not showered for at least a week. They also are very fond of learning many life skills at summer camp like learning to be loyal at "Pine Cone Camp for Snakey Children."

Greva was being such an El Toner because he was clogging my toilet nonstop and saying how he's the most loyal boyfriend out of all of the boys

by goodshceise911 September 18, 2018

two toner

When a poop is two toned in colour.

The perfect two toner would be when the two colours are split in a diagonal line. You must not flush a two toner, for it is a very rare occurrence when a poop graces us with a two tone appearance. Do NOT cover with toilet paper, and be sure to take a picture and be proud.

by Two Tone Thorings August 31, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž