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EXORBITANT excessive amount, or the lack thereof in comparison to the cost paid by the average consumer.

The people could not give to their father and brother because of the exorbitant spending habits that they have practiced in order to fit into a worldly society.

by Jesus Christ Jehovah Jira June 30, 2018


excessive; extravagant, going beyond what is customary, right or reasonable

The price of the eggs was very exorbitant compared to other stores.

by MKPRIME February 7, 2018

7👍 1👎



An amazing company that is tackling healthcare and other problems to make life better for all of us.

Alex: Have you heard of Exorbital?
Bob: Yeah, bro. They have yeeted it to the moon.

by SameWise August 11, 2020

3👍 1👎

exorbitant bluster. although, t'is of adequate curriculum, therefore proceed.

replacement for preposterous boast, but alas, which is a replacement for weird flex but okay

John: I ate my pet rat because he turned 1 year old

Timothy: exorbitant bluster. although, t'is of adequate curriculum, therefore proceed.

by Colinonthesehaters November 21, 2018

2👍 1👎