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The most brilliant and spectacular of all musical instruments. People hear one note of the trumpet, and instantly recognize the superiority displayed by the instrument and the player. People diss trumpet player egos, but everyone knows it's just jealousy. The trumpet is the instrument of God.

All trumpet players are perfect.

by tpt player May 23, 2005

822๐Ÿ‘ 425๐Ÿ‘Ž


(verb): to bellow, rant, vehemently whine, or otherwise blow out metaphorical hot air. To demand attention, throw a tantrum or have a fit. To fill a space with as much shrill noise & self-righteousness as possible. To lie, loudly & "bigly." To pander to the gullible & rile up the immoral & willfully ignorant. To distract, manipulate & play your supporters like a musical instrument with your tiny, tiny hands.

"Dude... It's 3:00 a.m. & your weird theatre major roommate won't shut up about how his ex stole the his youth & the best years of his life, & how there's some vast conspiracy preventing his success & disallowing anyone to recognize his otherwise obvious genius. Evidently he thinks the world revolves around him?"

"I know, I'm sorry man. Just ignore him, he's Trumpeting, again."

by Kuaishou December 29, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


an instrument that rules all the rest. you can't get louder than a trumpet, so don't try. the only reason people dis the trumpet is because they're jealous, and we understand that.

Hey man what instrument do you play?
The trumpet, duh!
Oh, sorry dude. I didn't know you were a god.

by Diana - trumpet numero uno February 27, 2005

540๐Ÿ‘ 313๐Ÿ‘Ž


noun, person

A Donald Trump supporter, usually loud, obnoxious, often bronze in colour, hard to play with and likely give you a headache if listened to for more than 10 minutes.

Did you here that wankpuffin Jeff try and defend the shit that floods from Donald Trumps mouth?

Yeh the guys fucking trumpet.

by richie mc.rich the rich March 14, 2016

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Trumpet's are the strongest part of a musical group. Trumpets can be used in orchestras, bands, jazz bands, and other types of groups. They have a large range of notes and volume which is what makes them awesome. There are two types of trumpet players: the egotistical ones who play loudly and the shy and sweet ones who play softly. Usually trumpet players are known as egotistical and it is rare to find a shy and sweet trumpet player. Trumpets are awesome!

Trumpet player one: I played a high c in middle school.
Trumpet player two: Oh yeah well I played a high c in elementry school. I also played this piece in middle school; its so easy.
Trumpet player one: Dude i played this piece in elementry school...

by Sweetness to the extreme December 2, 2006

139๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž

to trumpet

Loudly pass foul smelling gas

I feel I am about to trumpet, everyone better get off the elevator

by The barb of Avon February 23, 2017


A person who espouses the beliefs of the extreme right wing ignoring facts and data.

You don't even realize you're being manipulated, pulled by strings and allowing yourself to be a trumpet.

by Wbienek February 7, 2017

51๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž