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Urban Dictionary Editors

As an Urban Dictionary editor myself, I was surprised to see some definitions here. We are not trying to deny freedom of speech, but please note that no one but you cares how you define your wife's name. However I am very sorry that sometime retarded words do get posted while respectable words that some of you may have spent time on are rejected. My apologias on the behave of all editors.

All urban dictionary editors should read these definitions so that they may become better at making decisions.

Urban dictionary editors should stop randomly hitting "Don't Publish."

by badgerman5566 January 26, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Editors

They either Publish your Submission or Reject it.

It's that Simple.

Editors chose to Publish your Submission. Check it out here: Dude

- An Example of the Urban Dictionary Editors

by Ditto. September 16, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Editors

People that live to piss others off! They reject definitions that people work hard on and that would be usefull to other people. Instead, these editors CRUSH YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS!!! Don't reject something because you don't like it or agree with it. Reject it only if it doesn't make sence! Don't reject something because it insults you! Dumbasses!

Those Urban Dictionary editors crushed my hopes and dreams!

by Iluvch0c0tac0s April 19, 2013

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Editors

Basically, it's a term used to describe people on Urban Dictionary who edit content. Urban Dictionary is a place used to give your own definitions on the website for people to learn about but 95% of them are people who are probably young kids between the ages of 10-15, who give very negative and wrong definitions of words and are somehow interested in dirty stuff.

We need a lot more better Urban Dictionary Editors on the website. There are too many young adolescents bring wrong and inappropriate definitions onto the website, making it a not reliable website.

by CosmicPelia May 21, 2022

Urban Dictionary Editors

Slow people.

Urban Dictionary Editors are slow.

by Balls Obama May 4, 2023

Urban Dictionary Editors

A person who has no life, no education and no friends so they create definitions of random words so that their word has a 1% chance of being on a TikTok.

Bob: "Look in that window!"
Wendy: "Oh, that man looks really sad and depressed."
Bob: "He must be one of the Urban Dictionary Editors"

by Yes Swag June 17, 2022

urban dictionary editors

miserable mongoloids who've strayed so far from the purpose of the website with their decisions on what to reject and what to post that its rendered the website useless. if someone wants to actually post an informative urban term it will get rejected unless it contains sexual innuendos , but somehow any douchebag who wants to define their own name to let world know how "cool and amazing they are" will pretty much with 100% certainty get their shit posted. this website is overflowing with useless nonsense and its not even funny anymore. just a testament to the failure of mankind. too bad the mayans were wrong with their prediction of the end of the world because then the space-time continuum would have been rid of this web domain

urban dictionary editors contribute nothing to the zeitgeist and should commit suicide

by fuckurbandictionaryfuckurbandi December 22, 2012