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The crisp compamy which scams people. 98% air in the bags.

"Have you got Walkers"
"Yeah bro, but why did you want air?"

by Elkonik June 29, 2019

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


He is the sweetest and kindest guy you'll ever meet. He loves to talk and is super outgoing. All the teachers favour him because of his sense humour and he’s personality. Looks tough but is actually so soft inside. He loves giving hugs and he is probably the best hugger. Many many girls have a crush on him and not because of his looks because sometimes Walkers can be ugly, but instead they go for his personality. You are one lucky girl if you date him.

Walker gives great hugs

by We love that February 8, 2019

45πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Walker is very hot and sexy,
he is shy and innocent but when you get to know him hes lots of funn β™₯ *if you know what i mean.
I'm in love with this boy =)
and hope he loves me to.

walker is amazing

by ilovewalker September 20, 2008

631πŸ‘ 472πŸ‘Ž


spanish slang for pimp

she just got played by that walker

by wily waka May 7, 2008

276πŸ‘ 206πŸ‘Ž


A guy who you looked up to in freshman year, for his amusing advice and skill with the ladies, who ends up hooking up with your girlfriend of 4 years the day you break up.

"Dude, Walker severely violated man law. I was most certainly punch him in the balls next time a see him"

by loveslamp July 4, 2009

574πŸ‘ 482πŸ‘Ž


the most amazing guy in the world, with eyes so dark and kind, skin so soft and brown, soft curly hair thats so fun to play with, already has a girlfriend, and is so smart and perfect

Did you see that walker over there?

by AliBug0723 October 21, 2011

119πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


coolest hotty alive and can fuck any1 they see

"dude u r a walker" just hooked up with 5 people

by hahahahahahahahahahah June 16, 2008

257πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž