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A word used to describe behaviour similar to that of a Walker. Such behaviours include, but are not limited to; Light but frequent bullshitting (Particularly over cock size), proving to be difficult to contact, or being unreliable in general.

Smith-"Shite,man. Duncan's just told me he'd get Green Day tickets but didn't and now they're sold out."

Lesley-"Haha, m8. Sounds like you got heavy Walkered".

by FieldsOfNeat June 21, 2017


To be unknowingly roped into a position of responsibility for and indefinite period of time.

Oh man, why did I just agree to a graveyard shift?
You've just been walkered.

I was going to get off my face but I got walkered into being a safety officer.

Turns out I'm competent at my job, so I got walkered.

by Risk taking March 17, 2010

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Drunk one night stand. That ends with partner having a golden dream.

Man we was so wasted, I ended up getting walkered.

He’s had 12 shots of tequila, how much you wanna bet the girl he takes home gets walkered tonight?

by Fckdemhoes69 October 19, 2017


To be belligerently drunk to the point where one is unable to keep their balance or walk. Entering the state of "walkered" can be the result of over consumption of alcohol but most likely due to the consumption of three Black Fly Coolers.

"Man, Alex was so walkered last night that we had to carry her back to her room!"
"Yo! Lets get super walkered tonight after our exam!"

by Mayor of Turnt City January 28, 2014

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


When everyone in a group chat ignores your texts whether it's on purpose or accidental.

I was asking what the plans were for tomorrow night and I totally got walkered... This is bullshit

by Walkered September 21, 2016

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New term for defeat due to association with Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

Jeff Stone got Walkered tonight in Milwaukee. He lost the race for County Exec.

by pseudo-smartass April 6, 2011

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Walkerism is a philosophy/Ideology forged by the mind of Alexander "The One And Only" Walker that revolves around the capability to unshackle the mind of all irrelevant issues pushed on to you by "The System" from "Space Monkeys".

In any form or added idea, Walkerism allows you to grip at what message Alexander Walker is trying to convey usually via his YouTube channel "Walker Wisdom".

Man 1: "My life is much better when I can control my mind."
Man 2: "How's that?"
Man 1: "The ways of Walkerism has taught me true self accountability in order to allow my mind to reach a higher potential."

by TylerDurden_75 June 17, 2023