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A term expressing frustration

What's the matter?
I forgot my car keys at home and I managed to drive all the way here without them, so now I'm stuck.

by Drew_0123 July 19, 2006

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Jamaican term for being constipated

Eat some star-apples this morning and right now is like mi bine up

by Laurinx May 15, 2018

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Abbreviation for "bottle of wine", most often used after drinking one.

I had half a bine before coming here today.

by JerryTheCow123 September 17, 2017

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Bine Time?

The act of asking if someone else wants to go for a cigarette with you.

Sarah, is it Bine Time?

by blondebubble April 29, 2010

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Bine Time

The moment when your foldy friend runs out of breath and tells you he needs a cigaret at this moment

*out of breath* "bine time"

by xmidgie March 31, 2015

Knuckle Bine

The hottest man of Hunter x Hunter ever in the world of Hunter x Hunter. Also the most underrated

Me: Bruh, I'd let Knuckle Bine get it.

You: Dang me too. you have immaculate taste.

by A total and utterly baddie March 25, 2021

spicy bine

A joint, specifically a spicy one - the more weed in the joint, the spicier the bine ("bine" is Irish slang for cigarette)

Guy 1: "Is that a spicy bine?"

Guy 2: "She's a vindaloo for sure."

by vindaloo March 24, 2017