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Pierce when he thinks

Pierce is braindead as heck

by YEEEEEETIE December 18, 2018

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Braindead Elie

A double negative and an oxymoron, for when you want to call someone intelligent, smart, and classy in a comical manner. Consisting of two words braindead, when someone who's brain does not work; and an Elie, the one who masters the true power of the blade to become a professional e-girl puller. When you see this motha fucka walkin' the block you know this fools gonna solve cancer. A Braindead Elie can come in many forms such as a Chad or a professional street nigga.

"Honestly bro, I think I Braindead Elie'ed this test"

"Shit babe I didn't pull out in time"
"You fucking Elie!"

by ElieLover69 January 26, 2022

braindead monk

someone beyond braindead, to the point of acting like a monkey

"That kid is a braindead monk"
"Yeah he is so dumb."

by boterton December 31, 2018

Braindead Afrikaner

A braindead Afrikaner is an Afrikaner who has a very low IQ, probably calls black people nogs, believes that Orania is retarded, and believes that a South African Civil War is coming, an therefore spends all of his spare rands on canned biltong. Synonyms include Kaaplander and braindead Boer.

Horne: Did you see the YouTube channel of this Kaaplander individual, he seems quite unintelligent.
Smith: I have seen his channel, and I believe that he is a braindead Afrikaner.

by HandleBrake12 July 3, 2020

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braindead monkerton

The term is used to describe someone or something that is inept or below average intelligence.

The word "monkerton" is formed from the shortening of "monkey" -> "monk" with an additonal "erton." (To signify relevance or importance)

Got_bot just teamkilled again. What a braindead monkerton.

by smore007 December 25, 2017

Braindead Cadet

A PBST security guard who just joined and goes on to MRK visitors with baton uniformless. They often have no bobux or just dont care about the rules. Who cares anyway, Combat will probably send him to brazil anyway.


by Mygemdiamond January 19, 2021

Braindead Buffoon

A dumb person that is dumber than their supposed to be.

You're a braindead buffoon

by I don't have a name so I'll November 27, 2018