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Circ de selay

When a girl gives you crazy hot sex

That girl gave me the circ de selay last nite!

by John Phillip Seymour April 20, 2009

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Polar Bear Jerk Circ

Imagine your in the snow with your guys in a jerk circ and you all cum and it freezes mid air

Yo dude it’s so cold we could do a polar bear jerk circ

by Dr polar bear jerk circ March 4, 2019

Circ De Sole Gay

An amazing trick involving 20 gay men and 5 bar stools. A bar stool is turned up side down and set on the ground. 4 gays sit on the legs. Then each of them hold an up side down bar stool with four gays sitting on each leg. The result is 20 gay men all with bar stool legs up their asses towering in the air.

I went to the drag show last night and saw the most perfectly executed Circ De Sole Gay.

by mk3001 July 25, 2011

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circ de soiled

When you attempt to perform an acrobatic maneuver and accidentally soil yourself

"You know when you flipped over the arm of the couch to go to the bathroom, yeah, I think you circ de soiled yourself."
"I tried to do a flip to impress Beth, but I ended up shitting my pants when I hit the ground #circdesoiled"

by alexander angell July 28, 2017

circ shooters

Taking a shot out of the head of an uncircumcised penis.

Pull back the foreskin, pour in the Smirnoff. Locked and loaded boiiiiis

You boiiiiis wanna do some circ shooters. I got my euro dick all loaded up.

by Mrs. Foxxx August 12, 2022

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kitchen table circ

Usually passed down from generations, when a dad circumsizes his son on a kitchen table, or just a really bad circ job

Dude that doctor fucked me up and gave me a kitchen table circ

by SlinkyDickTheOriginalSimp July 9, 2022