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a word that dumb, very low iq, narrow minded people use in order to sum an issue in the most boring way possible.

every situation is unique.its got its own elements, participants, time, and place.if someone chooses to use a certain phrase regarding the situation, you'll always be able to bring your own input on that phrase in the context of that certain situation.interesting people find interesting things to say on a subject they are dealing with and every phrase can be elaborated to something that is fascinating.but the people that choose to use this word are lacking substance and point of view for a specific subject and probably in general.
when using the word cliche on every thing you are basically dumbing yourself down to the point of sounding like a baboon that makes a certain sound.

"ohh come on...that is such a cliche"-
" is that all you got to say? please dissolve in a pool of acid "

by iAmVeronick June 23, 2020


over rated, over used, seen too many times and cliche cliche cliche

Person1:what do you call a pig that knows karate? A PORKCHOP

by x3bla November 9, 2017


ok i thought i would describe some of the most known cliches in our school,
preps, absolute mother fuckers tbh. they come fromrich families and cheat there way into good grades. they spend most of their time getting fingured and drinking pimms. they wear designers such as jack wills and abercrombie and fitch. it generally looks horrible. there very two faced and bitch about all their friends behind their backs.
scene kids, bloody annoying they all try to be 'original' yet they're all copying each other. and they never actually admit to being scene. emos generally are all depressed fall in love every five minutes and listen to shitty music, chavs listen to awful music wear to much makeup too slutty clothes get too drunk take drugs. so when you go to school be your self and AVOID joining cliches :P

what high school cliche are you?
dude im none, im no id.

by ha ha ha mu ha ha ha August 5, 2008

35๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž


what is always said or believed by people who think only a little or not at all

Angered Black Woman: Yo honkey mafahs betta be runnin alon befo I bites off eacha yaws mini what cocks.

Sigfried: The anger this woman puts forth is so cliche. If coloured peoples had been educated when they immigrated to this land of opportunity, they would have more valuable words to contribute.

Wilhelmus: Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America" is one exception.

by Lil Swagga December 2, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used ONLY at Walmart...the view at Tenney Mountain from the walmart....CLICHE

POOSAB this is cliche

by Ian Caroline Jordan November 26, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 207๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cliche 19

The act of lumping all human colds flus stomachaches and allergies up with the coronavirus because you are too scared to see a doctor and get treatment.

Man he went to work on Monday but came down with a sudden case of cliche 19..

by Murray the K July 17, 2020

cliche kitty

A cute little kitten running through a field of dandelions. Is sometimes seen being chased by a pair of Domo-kuns.

Every time you masturbate... God kills a kitten.

by Haikala Hae June 5, 2004

44๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž