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Maladaptive Daydreaming

Maladaptive Daydreaming is a medical condition in which a person will obsessively and uncontrollable daydream, this can be triggered from music, stories or nothing.
These Daydreams usually include: an idealised self, violence, rescue, capture, arousal, trauma, etc.
Most Maladaptive Daydreamer's have multiple worlds in there head, but all know that they aren't real.

''What is he doing?''
''Just Maladaptive Daydreaming.''

by Mohatu the Nightfury August 20, 2017

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manic daydream

Someone whos hotter than the hell they claim to come from, but has been running in circles since they had learned their shapes

Guy 1: Damn, Maddie is hot
Guy 2: too bad she's such a manic daydream

by AlphaTheRad September 15, 2020

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maladaptive daydreamer

One who daydreams aloud. The body forgets to differentiate between reality and the illusion.
Talking, laughing, pacing, etc are often apart of the actions the body takes on to act out the daydream. Unlike Schizophrenia, a Maladaptive Daydreamer knows that it is only a daydream and can often control when they have them.

She paces in her room talking and laughing even though she's completely alone. She must be a Maladaptive Daydreamer.

by CaveMoss November 5, 2014

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daydream meet

when you meet somebody you think they perfect for you but they leave and you never see them ever

somebody: dude i had a daydream meet man i met that amazing girl...
me: she disappeared? calm down i had them DD shit so many times

by C1J September 11, 2006

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Cigarette daydreams

One of the most amazing songs you will hear

β€œCigarette daydreams you were only 17 soft speak with a mean streak , nearly brought me to my knees”

by That big fat daddy rat February 19, 2021

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overlived daydream

When you leave your family to pursue someone who only thinks of you as late night adulterous booty calls.

Adulterer: Baby I love you and want to be with you forever!
You: That's an overlived daydream and you need to leave before my date gets here.

by ThatJO February 3, 2018

maladaptive daydreaming

When a person spends a big majority of their time just daydreaming. A person will actively move around daydreaming and music is a big trigger for it. There is no certain medication for it because doctors have just recently been studying it and are looking for a medication that would suit it best. People with Maladaptive daydreaming are often lazy because they would rather daydream. The daydreams are usually them in different situations with different people. They will daydream about what they wish they had in life such as maybe a girlfriend, a new friend, or just doing something cool in general. People with maladaptive daydreaming are often shy and don't have much of a social life.

Why does Tommy move around and listen to music all the time?

He must have maladaptive daydreaming

by Zeke Tittysburg February 18, 2014

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