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Laura Dern's

(n.) Jeans that are worn very high on the waist, usually reaching four inches above the navel. Very unflattering and popularized by Laura Dern in the film "Jurassic Park".

Australian Guy: "We're being hunted."
Laura Dern: "Oh, God."
Australian Guy: "It's alright.'
Laura Dern: "Like hell it is."
Australian Guy: "Go...run for the shed....GO!"


by G.Nuh March 27, 2007

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Wachu Dern

slang term for what are you doing, mainly used by mtown hoodrats.

Wachu Dern Niggah?

Yo D-Smit Wachu Dern tonight?

by Dat Niggah Albe February 24, 2010

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howya dern

saying how are you doing like madea

"hey girl howya dern....how ya momma dern?"

by luvwhitetees December 12, 2008

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Yuan Dern

A quiet friend, typically male, who only leaves you on read when texting or replies in only gifs. It's either all or nothing and often can be frustrating to communicate with.

He's a either a man of few words or a believer of the phrase "a picture speaks a thousand words" and replies in gifs every opportunity he can or when he wants to express himself.

Katie: Yo Bryan, wanna hang?
Bryan: *leaves on read*
Katie: Yo dude. Helloooo?

Bryan: *leaves on read*
Katie: ?? Stop blue-ticking me dude. I know you read my text.

Bryan: *replies with "hell yes" gif*
Katie: Omg why can't you just reply yes dude? You're sucha Yuan Dern wtf.

by thebosssage August 21, 2018

Dern Skippy

To be completely positive on what you are saying or doing.

Dern skippy!

by joeluvsme2 December 14, 2010

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Dern Bern It

Replaces the curse word Dam It.

You stubbed your toe and said "dern bern it".

by Shayree January 9, 2009

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Dern Box

A blond girl, spunky and cute filled with curiosity and humor ready to surprise her friends from a box.

A girl who is drop dead gorgeous awaiting love inside a box.

Person 1: Danielle is such a dern box!

Person 2: I know!! She is hiding inside a box right now

Person 1: She's adorable :)

by ShawtyWhatsYourName November 30, 2009

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