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Describes any person or animal in whose face another person or animal has just ejaculated, either in a sexual setting or otherwise.

What's that all over your lovely visage? Ooooh, looks like I just faced you! You've been owned, bitch.

Oh my god, that girl just got faced by a horse!

by narcoleptic November 16, 2005

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To beat someone with a blunt object; to maim. To kill another player in a video game

Bob: Dude i just faced you with my sniper rifle
Chris: Dude shut up or i will face you with a mace

by Gonx November 21, 2006

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When a web site becomes virtually unreachable because too many people are trying to access it after the site has been made part of a viral Facebook status update.

urbandictionary.com sure is slow now. I think it's been faced.

by Davorama February 2, 2010

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Getting caught at work (by your boss) looking at facebook.com

hey, so many people got faced at my work that they've block the sight from our network

by Dirk Rimbaud June 12, 2007

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In an online game called Counter Strike, being faced is when someone throws a grenade directly at your face. This causes one damage and is generally very funny. Facing is a hard skill to master. Also, someone who is faced with a frag (HE grenade) will generally take the maximum damage possible with a nade because it will blow up very close to his or her head.

I was rushing mid on dust2 and totally faced some newb who was camping spawn.

by Kyle Robson January 5, 2006

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face to face

Having a face to face chat with someone as opposed to just chatting to them online using programmes such as MSN

I went to my mates house to have a face to face

by 2912Clover February 27, 2006

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To the face

To attack with enthusiasm and ferocity, most often used when speaking of alcoholic beverages "SHOTS TO THE FACE!" but can be applied to other circumstances, see below:

Jagerbombs to the face!ย  Funnel to the face!ย  Late night pizza to the face!ย  Motorboat to the face!ย ย  Newport to the face! (vacation)ย  Fenway to the face! (sporting event)
This can also be communicated as the acronym "TTF" or "2TF"

by Darb2TF August 31, 2012

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