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The act of being sick at college (actually sick, not hangover sick), and spending all of your sick time on the futon, because you can't stay in bed any longer, but you're too sick to go any father than the couch.

"Kendell is really sick, her away message said she was on the futon... oh man, shes futoning!"

"Yeah, I was futoning all last week!"

by thats for you gallo - nsimz March 25, 2004

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A type of relationship where one party is indisputably moored in the "friendzone." The result of that relationship inevitably leads to one party always sleeping on the futon, while the other gets the bed.

Friendzoner: "Hey, I'm feeling a little lonely, would you come over and watch a movie with me? You can sleep over if you like."
Friendzonee: "Really?!?"
Friendzoner: "Absolutely, but we have to keep it strictly futonic."

Friendzonee: "Ok, but can I cuddle with the cat tonight?"
Friendzoner: "For sure"

by Saturday's Issue November 28, 2011

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the sitting furniture in your room/ dorm room where your friends can sit and hang out. Also, it is a make out spot for people as well.

Ashley: It was an intresting night last night.

Me: What happened?

Ashley: My roommate had sex with her boyfriend on the futon.

by johnashmore October 16, 2009

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A style of bedding with a folding wooden base and cotton-stuffed mattress the name of which sounds like a poshed-up version of an activity that often takes place upon it.

I was Fu'd on my futon or
I was fucked on my fucked-on

by Gwiwer57 August 14, 2012

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A word that when spoken with a slight french accent gives the same appeal as the word 'Sex'.... Or even 'Sexy'

Ollie: Oooo j'adore futon

Becki: Mmmm you're overly futony

by Beckiiiiiii August 10, 2010

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captain futon

n. a guy who sleeps on a futon...and particularly likes to tell you when he is transforming it from couch to bed form or vise versa.

Captain Futon to girl: I think im gonna lie down on my futon, gimme a second to transform it from couch to bed form.

by randomness42467 February 21, 2009

Futon Time

Committing sexual acts while being on a futon, most likely on a futon that is not yours.

Walking in while Megan and Chris were having "Futon Time" was so awkward...

by Nathan Jang March 21, 2011

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