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Go ahead, pee.

A meme mentioning Logokas, the clown of DDMC, with Impact font all over his face. Go ahead, pee.

Go ahead, pee.

by DDLCModdingCommunity March 5, 2021

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Go ahead, make my day

"Go ahead, make my day"

spoken by Harry Callahan played by Clint Eastwood, in Dirty Harry.

It means that the speaker would be very happy if you continue on with your actions or behaviour because he/she could react in a manner that would be extremely pleasurable to them.

Go ahead, make my day!

by kakayuki April 22, 2005

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go ahead and log out for me

it’s a phrase when someone says something really weird or sus

β€œi wanna watch porn rn”

β€œgo ahead and log out for me hon”

by livinlikelarry2 March 25, 2020

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go ahead with your bad self

Go ahead with your bad self

Go ahead with your bad self

by September 15, 2020

bop that chicken on the head and go ahead and make the doughnut

Kick the stress away and go for your dreams

"I am nervous about my presentation. Maybe i'm not good enough! it's my deepest want in the world to succeed with this, but i'm afraid i won't be what they want."
" yeah... well why don't you just go bop that chicken on the head and go ahead and make the doughnut."
"....o..k. i will!"

by whitecoffee February 26, 2015

1.2 billion... so you go ahead and stack spaghetti sauce at a store

andandaanannat a supermarket... you control the guy or the women who runs the rurunurr... brings out the carts ononnonon on a forklift... WHAT HAPPENS?

Have you ever committed a 1.2 billion... so you go ahead and stack spaghetti sauce at a store in real life.

by [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ September 28, 2021

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go ahead to peach on me

Something incompetent people use to identify themselves among others

oh bobby go ahead to peach on me

by aidjsi77 May 30, 2022